What is the only word in the English language that when capitalized is changed from a noun or a verb to a nationality?
(In reply to
re: That's because you weren't looking hard enough. :-) by Tristan)
Tristan opined: "Penny, you weren't looking hard enough either. I said 'I fail to find a non-capitalized noun form of welsh.' The definition you gave is a verb form."
The puzzle says "What is the only word in the English language that when capitalized is changed from a noun or a verb to a nationality?" (...OR a verb, not AND a verb.) So I guess I don't know why you were apparently objecting to a verb as an answer. (****Penny leaves very slowly******)
Edited on April 14, 2004, 4:07 pm
Posted by Penny
on 2004-04-14 15:42:33 |