Which of these phrases is the odd one out? The solution should not involve number of words/lines, letters, spaces, specific types of sentences, and all other things grammar and usage-related. Hope you know your Shakespeare.
1.) She is the white.
2.) I don't like the name Julieta. It needs to drop a letter, I think.
3.) "Is it really Jacks? I thought it was spelled differently..."
4.) Timidness is the best with locks.
5.) This Ancient Greece food staple is missing a letter.
6.) Beatrice is her name, but there's no heaven and hell here.
(In reply to
No Subject by Victor Zapana)
Rub it in a little, there, why don't you?
Could be, I guess, Hermia in Midsummer. Helena thinks she's the fairer, a.k.a. whiter of the two. But then paleness was considered beautiful then, and many characters were called "fair" in those plays.
Posted by Miles
on 2004-04-30 16:53:16 |