A particle is travelling from point A to point B. These two points are separated by distance D. Assume that the initial velocity of the particle is zero.
Given that the particle never increases its acceleration along its journey, and that the particle arrives at point B with speed V, what is the longest time that the particle can take to arrive at B?
Forgive me for being so simple and not using high powered formulae, but if this thing begins with a velocity of zero then it does not have a direction does it? And if it's initial velocity is zero, and it never increases it's acceleration, then does that not rule out a change in velocity (acceleration is a change in velocity). Therefore, with an initial velocity of zero, the thing is stationary and any movement would involve an increase in acceleration, so it never arrives at point B.
The answer is, therefore, I believe infinty - the longest time is infinty.
Too simple?? Maybe I'm the simple one?
Posted by mike
on 2004-05-07 00:03:11 |