Place four coins on the bottom row of circles (p a e r) so that the word "Plexus" is showing.
Your aim is to slide the coins along the lines from one circle to another (no stopping half way!) to expose the word "pleaser" (noting that there is a difference between the capital 'P' and the small 'p'). There is only one catch: At no time are two coins allowed to be next to each other along a line.
So for instance, the coin on 'p' cannot move initially, or it would end up next to the coin on 'a'. Some of the lines are easily missed: note especially the u-r connection.
Unless Sam's real name is Robert A. Hearn, this is a plagiarized version of a recently created problem.
See http://mathpuzzle.com/index.html
I submitted my solution to the original MARTIN GARDNER version and will not repeat it for this version.
I have no problem with someone creating their own version of this puzzle with the same rules. I do have a problem with the exact same starting layout and board layout.
This is not an old, classic problem whose origin is unknown. It debuted less than a month ago. Give credit where credit is due.
Posted by Jer
on 2004-05-10 12:08:45 |