Which becomes the solution given with you break each line into three rows.
Imports System
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Math
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim intSchedules(0, 0, 0) As Integer
Dim intPeople(0, 0, 0) As Integer
Dim strGoodFlag As String
Dim strEndFlag As String
Dim strStartTime As String
Dim dblCount1 As Double
Dim dblCount2 As Double
Dim intNumTables As Integer
Dim intNumTabs As Integer
Dim intGoodTable As Integer
Dim intTableCounts(5) As Integer
strStartTime = TimeOfDay
dblCount1 = 0
dblCount2 = 0
For Index1 As Integer = 0 To 4
intTableCounts(index1) = 0
intNumTabs = 0
While intNumTabs = 0
Console.WriteLine("How many work tables " & _
"should I use ?")
intNumTabs = Int(Console.ReadLine())
End While
intNumTables = intNumTabs - 1
ReDim intSchedules(intNumTabs, 6, 9)
ReDim intPeople(intNumTabs, 9, 9)
For Index1 As Integer = 0 To intNumTables
For Index2 As Integer = 0 To 5
For Index3 As Integer = 0 To 8
intSchedules(Index1, Index2, Index3) = 0
For Index1 As Integer = 0 To intNumTables
For Index2 As Integer = 0 To 8
For Index3 As Integer = 0 To 8
If Index3 = 0 Then
intPeople(Index1, Index2, Index3) = Index2 + 1
intPeople(Index1, Index2, Index3) = 0
End If
strGoodFlag = "N"
While strGoodFlag <> "Y"
TryASchedule(intNumTables, _
intSchedules, intPeople, strGoodFlag, _
intGoodTable, _
dblCount1, dblCount2, _
IntervalBreak(dblCount1, _
dblCount2, _
intNumTables, _
intSchedules, _
intPeople, _
End While
Console.WriteLine("Success !!!!")
DisplayGoodTableData(intGoodTable, intSchedules, _
Console.WriteLine("Program began execution at " & strStartTime)
Console.WriteLine("and ended at " & TimeOfDay)
strEndFlag = "?"
While strEndFlag <> "X"
Console.WriteLine("Please enter X to terminate program...")
strEndFlag = UCase(Console.ReadLine())
End While
End Sub
Sub TryASchedule(ByRef intNumTables, ByRef intSchedules, _
ByRef intPeople, ByRef strGoodFlag, ByRef intGoodTable, _
ByRef dblCount1, ByRef dblCount2, ByRef intTableCounts)
Dim intConv1 As Integer
Dim intConv2 As Integer
Dim intConv3 As Integer
Dim intSched(9) As Integer
Dim strTableHit As String
Dim intTable As Integer
GetSchedule(intSched, dblCount2)
strTableHit = "0"
For Index1 As Integer = 0 To intNumTables
IntervalBreak(dblCount1, _
dblCount2, _
intNumTables, _
intSchedules, _
intPeople, _
intTable = Index1
PlaceInTable(intTable, intSched, _
intSchedules, intPeople, strTableHit, _
strGoodFlag, intGoodTable, _
dblCount1, dblCount2, intNumTables, _
If strTableHit = "2" Then
Exit For
End If
End Sub
Sub PlaceInTable(ByRef intTable, ByRef intSched, _
ByRef intSchedules, ByRef intPeople, ByRef strTableHit, _
ByRef strGoodFlag, ByRef intGoodTable, _
ByRef dblCount1, ByRef dblCount2, ByRef intNumTables, _
ByRef intTableCounts)
Dim intSubscr1 As Integer
Dim strFlag1 As String
Dim intConv1 As Integer
Dim intConv2 As Integer
Dim intConv3 As Integer
Dim str1Match As String
Dim strThere As String
If intSchedules(intTable, 0, 0) = 0 Then
If strTableHit = "1" Then
strTableHit = "2"
Exit Sub
strTableHit = "2"
For Index1 As Integer = 0 To 8
intSchedules(intTable, 0, Index1) = _
intTableCounts(0) += 1
UpdatePeople(intTable, intSched, intPeople, _
intSchedules, intTableCounts)
Exit Sub
End If
End If
str1Match = "1"
For Index1 As Integer = 0 To 8
If intSched(Index1) <> _
intSchedules(intTable, 0, Index1) Then
str1Match = "0"
End If
If str1Match = "1" Then
If strTableHit = "0" Then
strTableHit = "1"
End If
End If
For Index1 As Integer = 0 To 8
intConv1 = intSched(Index1)
If Index1 Mod 3 = 0 Then
intSubscr1 = Index1 + 1
intConv2 = intSched(intSubscr1)
intConv3 = intSched(intSubscr1)
ElseIf Index1 Mod 3 = 1 Then
intSubscr1 = Index1 - 1
intConv2 = intSched(intSubscr1)
intSubscr1 = Index1 + 1
intConv3 = intSched(intSubscr1)
intSubscr1 = Index1 - 1
intConv2 = intSched(intSubscr1)
intConv3 = intSched(intSubscr1)
End If
strThere = "0"
FindConv(intConv1, intConv2, intConv3, _
intTable, intPeople, strThere, _
dblCount1, dblCount2, intNumTables, _
intSchedules, intTableCounts)
If strThere = "1" Then
Exit Sub
End If
UpdatePeople(intTable, intSched, intPeople, _
intSchedules, intTableCounts)
For Index1 As Integer = 0 To 5
If intSchedules(intTable, Index1, 0) = 0 Then
If Index1 = 5 Then
strGoodFlag = "Y"
intGoodTable = intTable
ElseIf Index1 = 4 Then
intTableCounts(4) += 1
intTableCounts(3) -= 1
ElseIf Index1 = 3 Then
intTableCounts(3) += 1
intTableCounts(2) -= 1
ElseIf Index1 = 2 Then
intTableCounts(2) += 1
intTableCounts(1) -= 1
ElseIf Index1 = 1 Then
intTableCounts(1) += 1
intTableCounts(0) -= 1
End If
For Index2 As Integer = 0 To 8
IntervalBreak(dblCount1, _
dblCount2, _
intNumTables, _
intSchedules, _
intPeople, _
intSchedules(intTable, Index1, Index2) = _
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Sub FindConv(ByRef intConv1, ByRef intConv2, ByRef intConv3, _
ByRef intTable, ByRef intPeople, ByRef strThere, _
ByRef dblCount1, ByRef dblCount2, ByRef intNumTables, _
ByRef intSchedules, ByRef intTableCounts)
For Index1 As Integer = 0 To 8
If intPeople(intTable, Index1, 0) = intConv1 Then
For Index2 As Integer = 1 To 8
IntervalBreak(dblCount1, _
dblCount2, _
intNumTables, _
intSchedules, _
intPeople, _
If intPeople(intTable, Index1, Index2) = intConv1 Or _
intPeople(intTable, Index1, Index2) = intConv2 Then
strThere = "1"
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub UpdatePeople(ByRef intTable, ByRef intSched, ByRef intPeople, _
ByRef intSchedules, ByRef intTableCounts)
Dim intConv1 As Integer
Dim intConv2 As Integer
Dim intConv3 As Integer
Dim intSubscr1 As Integer
For Index1 As Integer = 0 To 8
intConv1 = intSched(Index1)
If Index1 Mod 3 = 0 Then
intSubscr1 = Index1 + 1
intConv2 = intSched(intSubscr1)
intConv3 = intSched(intSubscr1)
ElseIf Index1 Mod 3 = 1 Then
intSubscr1 = Index1 - 1
intConv2 = intSched(intSubscr1)
intSubscr1 = Index1 + 1
intConv3 = intSched(intSubscr1)
intSubscr1 = Index1 - 1
intConv2 = intSched(intSubscr1)
intConv3 = intSched(intSubscr1)
End If
For Index3 As Integer = 0 To 8
If intConv2 <> 0 Then
If intPeople(intTable, intConv1 - 1, Index3) = 0 Then
intPeople(intTable, intConv1 - 1, Index3) = _
If intConv2 = intConv3 Then
intConv2 = 0
intConv3 = 0
intConv2 = 0
End If
End If
ElseIf intConv3 <> 0 Then
If intPeople(intTable, intConv1 - 1, Index3) = 0 Then
intPeople(intTable, intConv1 - 1, Index3) = _
intConv3 = 0
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub DisplayGoodTableData(ByRef intGoodTable, _
ByRef intSchedules, ByRef intPeople)
Console.WriteLine("Here are the good schedules:")
For Index2 As Integer = 0 To 5
Console.WriteLine( _
Str(intSchedules(intGoodTable, Index2, 0)) & " " & _
Str(intSchedules(intGoodTable, Index2, 1)) & " " & _
Str(intSchedules(intGoodTable, Index2, 2)) & " " & _
Str(intSchedules(intGoodTable, Index2, 3)) & " " & _
Str(intSchedules(intGoodTable, Index2, 4)) & " " & _
Str(intSchedules(intGoodTable, Index2, 5)) & " " & _
Str(intSchedules(intGoodTable, Index2, 6)) & " " & _
Str(intSchedules(intGoodTable, Index2, 7)) & " " & _
Str(intSchedules(intGoodTable, Index2, 8)))
Console.WriteLine("Here are the people:")
For Index2 As Integer = 0 To 8
Console.WriteLine( _
Str(intPeople(intGoodTable, Index2, 0)) & " " & _
Str(intPeople(intGoodTable, Index2, 1)) & " " & _
Str(intPeople(intGoodTable, Index2, 2)) & " " & _
Str(intPeople(intGoodTable, Index2, 3)) & " " & _
Str(intPeople(intGoodTable, Index2, 4)) & " " & _
Str(intPeople(intGoodTable, Index2, 5)) & " " & _
Str(intPeople(intGoodTable, Index2, 6)) & " " & _
Str(intPeople(intGoodTable, Index2, 7)) & " " & _
Str(intPeople(intGoodTable, Index2, 8)))
End Sub
Sub IntervalBreak(ByRef dblCount1, ByRef dblCount2, _
ByRef intNumTables, ByRef intSchedules, ByRef intPeople, _
ByRef intTableCounts)
dblCount1 += 1
If dblCount1 >= 999999 Then
dblCount1 = 0
Console.WriteLine("We have attempted " & _
Str(dblCount2) & _
" schedules...")
If Str(intTableCounts(4)) <> 0 Then
Console.WriteLine(Str(intTableCounts(4)) & _
" tables have 5 rows.")
End If
If Str(intTableCounts(3)) <> 0 Then
Console.WriteLine(Str(intTableCounts(3)) & _
" tables have 4 rows.")
End If
If Str(intTableCounts(2)) <> 0 Then
Console.WriteLine(Str(intTableCounts(2)) & _
" tables have 3 rows.")
End If
If Str(intTableCounts(1)) <> 0 Then
Console.WriteLine(Str(intTableCounts(1)) & _
" tables have 2 rows.")
End If
If Str(intTableCounts(0)) <> 0 Then
Console.WriteLine(Str(intTableCounts(0)) & _
" tables have 1 row.")
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub GetSchedule(ByRef intSched, ByRef dblCount2)
dblCount2 += 1
intSched(0) = Int((9 - 1 + 1) * Rnd()) + 1
For Index1 As Integer = 1 To 8
intSched(Index1) = intSched(0)
While (intSched(1) = intSched(0))
intSched(1) = Int((9 - 1 + 1) * Rnd()) + 1
End While
While (intSched(2) = intSched(0) Or _
intSched(2) = intSched(1))
intSched(2) = Int((9 - 1 + 1) * Rnd()) + 1
End While
While (intSched(3) = intSched(0) Or _
intSched(3) = intSched(1) Or _
intSched(3) = intSched(2))
intSched(3) = Int((9 - 1 + 1) * Rnd()) + 1
End While
While (intSched(4) = intSched(0) Or _
intSched(4) = intSched(1) Or _
intSched(4) = intSched(2) Or _
intSched(4) = intSched(3))
intSched(4) = Int((9 - 1 + 1) * Rnd()) + 1
End While
While (intSched(5) = intSched(0) Or _
intSched(5) = intSched(1) Or _
intSched(5) = intSched(2) Or _
intSched(5) = intSched(3) Or _
intSched(5) = intSched(4))
intSched(5) = Int((9 - 1 + 1) * Rnd()) + 1
End While
While (intSched(6) = intSched(0) Or _
intSched(6) = intSched(1) Or _
intSched(6) = intSched(2) Or _
intSched(6) = intSched(3) Or _
intSched(6) = intSched(4) Or _
intSched(6) = intSched(5))
intSched(6) = Int((9 - 1 + 1) * Rnd()) + 1
End While
While (intSched(7) = intSched(0) Or _
intSched(7) = intSched(1) Or _
intSched(7) = intSched(2) Or _
intSched(7) = intSched(3) Or _
intSched(7) = intSched(4) Or _
intSched(7) = intSched(5) Or _
intSched(7) = intSched(6))
intSched(7) = Int((9 - 1 + 1) * Rnd()) + 1
End While
While (intSched(8) = intSched(0) Or _
intSched(8) = intSched(1) Or _
intSched(8) = intSched(2) Or _
intSched(8) = intSched(3) Or _
intSched(8) = intSched(4) Or _
intSched(8) = intSched(5) Or _
intSched(8) = intSched(6) Or _
intSched(8) = intSched(7))
intSched(8) = Int((9 - 1 + 1) * Rnd()) + 1
End While
End Sub
End Module