Ten nine-letter words have been separated into units of three letters. The units have been randomly put in the below list. Can you determine the original 10 words?
hol rec ant imp fer con
man dif ice pol acq htn
ort myt new air sag duc
dec lig kch ogy ing tan
uit ent gle tal tor ent
I found acquittal and mythology but then I got bored.
So I cut and pasted the first line into google.
First hit.
Using the first column the relevant site is the sixth on the list.
Using six randomly selected terms {16, 13, 22, 21, 6, 20} it was the fourth.
The other sites Google returns (which have nothing to do with this puzzle) are all Adobe Acrobat and PostScript files. It appears that words are parsed into groups of letters, but when you click on them you get a regular document that looks fine.
Anyone know why?
Posted by Jer
on 2004-05-26 09:13:39 |