Ten nine-letter words have been separated into units of three letters. The units have been randomly put in the below list. Can you determine the original 10 words?
hol rec ant imp fer con
man dif ice pol acq htn
ort myt new air sag duc
dec lig kch ogy ing tan
uit ent gle tal tor ent
(In reply to
Solution by Iain)
I had first thought of RECANTING (the REC and the ANT are right next to one another), but had to recant that when I needed the ING for LIGHTNING.
After finding a suitable set I wanted to verify there were no other solutions, so:
DATA hol rec ant imp fer con
DATA man dif ice pol acq htn
DATA ort myt new air sag duc
DATA dec lig kch ogy ing tan
DATA uit ent gle tal tor ent
DIM piece$(30)
FOR i = 1 TO 5
s$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(s$))
FOR j = 1 TO 6
k = k + 1
piece$(k) = LEFT$(s$, 3)
IF j < 6 THEN s$ = MID$(s$, 5)
OPEN "\words\words9.txt" FOR BINARY AS #1
w$ = SPACE$(9)
GET #1, , w$
FOR i = 0 TO 2
found = 0
FOR j = 1 TO 30
IF MID$(w$, 3 * i + 1, 3) = piece$(j) THEN found = 1: EXIT FOR
IF found = 0 THEN EXIT FOR
IF found THEN fCt = fCt + 1: PRINT fCt, w$
which finds, though, the only extra words all end in ING:
1 acquittal
2 anthology
3 conducing
4 conductor
5 decanting
6 different
7 differing
8 impairing
9 impinging
10 important
11 importing
12 lightning
13 mythology
14 newsagent
15 policeman
16 recanting
17 rectangle
so no other solution set is possible.
Of course impinging is impossible in itself as it uses two INGs.
Posted by Charlie
on 2004-05-26 14:33:15 |