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Not A Magic Square (Posted on 2004-06-19) Difficulty: 3 of 5
Place nine different digits (from 0-9) into a 3x3 grid, such that the eight sums formed by the three rows, three columns and two diagonals are consecutive numbers.

See The Solution Submitted by Brian Smith    
Rating: 4.3333 (3 votes)

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Solution Two solutions | Comment 4 of 14 |

Two different solutions are:

194            14
873            18
605            11
 15            16            12
                                           13            17

318            12
920            11
465            15
 16            9             13
                                           10            14

where the row totals appear to the right of each row, and then the three column totals appear, and on the final line, the two diagonal totals.

The complete computer output included all rotations and reflections of each of these, for 16 overall:

186            15
970            16
435            12
 14            18            11
                                           13            17

194            14
873            18
605            11
 15            16            12
                                           13            17

318            12
920            11
465            15
 16            9             13
                                           10            14

394            16
126            9
805            13
 12            11            15
                                           10            14

435            12
970            16
186            15
 14            18            11
                                           17            13

465            15
920            11
318            12
 16            9             13
                                           14            10

491            14
378            18
506            11
 12            16            15
                                           17            13

493            16
621            9
508            13
 15            11            12
                                           14            10

506            11
378            18
491            14
 12            16            15
                                           13            17

508            13
621            9
493            16
 15            11            12
                                           10            14

534            12
079            16
681            15
 11            18            14
                                           13            17

564            15
029            11
813            12
 13            9             16
                                           10            14

605            11
873            18
194            14
 15            16            12
                                           17            13

681            15
079            16
534            12
 11            18            14
                                           17            13

805            13
126            9
394            16
 12            11            15
                                           14            10

813            12
029            11
564            15
 13            9             16
                                           14            10

The program was:

DECLARE SUB permute (a$)
OPEN "notmagic.txt" FOR OUTPUT AS #2
a$ = "0123456789": h$ = a$
FOR i = 1 TO 3628800
 n1 = VAL(MID$(a$, 1, 1))
 n2 = VAL(MID$(a$, 2, 1))
 n3 = VAL(MID$(a$, 3, 1))
 n4 = VAL(MID$(a$, 4, 1))
 n5 = VAL(MID$(a$, 5, 1))
 n6 = VAL(MID$(a$, 6, 1))
 n7 = VAL(MID$(a$, 7, 1))
 n8 = VAL(MID$(a$, 8, 1))
 n9 = VAL(MID$(a$, 9, 1))
 n10 = VAL(MID$(a$, 10, 1))
 t1 = n1 + n4 + n7
 t2 = n2 + n5 + n8
 t3 = n3 + n6 + n9
 t4 = n1 + n2 + n3
 t5 = n4 + n5 + n6
 t6 = n7 + n8 + n9
 t7 = n1 + n5 + n9
 t8 = n3 + n5 + n7
 REDIM diff(-7 TO 7)
 diff(0) = 1
 d = t2 - t1
 IF ABS(d) < 8 THEN
  IF diff(d) THEN GOTO nextPerm
  diff(d) = 1
  minDiff = d: maxDiff = d
  GOTO nextPerm
 d = t3 - t1
 IF ABS(d) < 8 THEN
  IF diff(d) THEN GOTO nextPerm
  diff(d) = 1
  IF d < minDiff THEN minDiff = d
  IF d > maxDiff THEN maxDiff = d
  GOTO nextPerm
 d = t4 - t1
 IF ABS(d) < 8 THEN
  IF diff(d) THEN GOTO nextPerm
  diff(d) = 1
  IF d < minDiff THEN minDiff = d
  IF d > maxDiff THEN maxDiff = d
  GOTO nextPerm
 d = t5 - t1
 IF ABS(d) < 8 THEN
  IF diff(d) THEN GOTO nextPerm
  diff(d) = 1
  IF d < minDiff THEN minDiff = d
  IF d > maxDiff THEN maxDiff = d
  GOTO nextPerm
 d = t6 - t1
 IF ABS(d) < 8 THEN
  IF diff(d) THEN GOTO nextPerm
  diff(d) = 1
  IF d < minDiff THEN minDiff = d
  IF d > maxDiff THEN maxDiff = d
  GOTO nextPerm
 d = t7 - t1
 IF ABS(d) < 8 THEN
  IF diff(d) THEN GOTO nextPerm
  diff(d) = 1
  IF d < minDiff THEN minDiff = d
  IF d > maxDiff THEN maxDiff = d
  GOTO nextPerm
 d = t8 - t1
 IF ABS(d) < 8 THEN
  IF diff(d) THEN GOTO nextPerm
  diff(d) = 1
  IF d < minDiff THEN minDiff = d
  IF d > maxDiff THEN maxDiff = d
  GOTO nextPerm
 IF maxDiff - minDiff = 7 OR maxDiff - minDiff = 6 AND minDiff = 1 OR maxDiff = -1 THEN
   PRINT #2, MID$(a$, 1, 3), t4
   PRINT #2, MID$(a$, 4, 3), t5
   PRINT #2, MID$(a$, 7, 3), t6
   PRINT #2, t1, t2, t3
   PRINT #2, , , , t7, t8
   PRINT #2,
 permute a$
 IF LEFT$(a$, 2) <> pVal$ THEN pVal$ = LEFT$(a$, 2): PRINT pVal$


SUB permute (a$)
 x$ = ""
 FOR i = LEN(a$) TO 1 STEP -1
  l$ = x$
  x$ = MID$(a$, i, 1)
  IF x$ < l$ THEN EXIT FOR

 IF i = 0 THEN
  FOR j = 1 TO LEN(a$) \ 2
   x$ = MID$(a$, j, 1)
   MID$(a$, j, 1) = MID$(a$, LEN(a$) - j + 1, 1)
   MID$(a$, LEN(a$) - j + 1, 1) = x$
  FOR j = LEN(a$) TO i + 1 STEP -1
   IF MID$(a$, j, 1) > x$ THEN EXIT FOR
  MID$(a$, i, 1) = MID$(a$, j, 1)
  MID$(a$, j, 1) = x$
  FOR j = 1 TO (LEN(a$) - i) \ 2
   x$ = MID$(a$, i + j, 1)
   MID$(a$, i + j, 1) = MID$(a$, LEN(a$) - j + 1, 1)
   MID$(a$, LEN(a$) - j + 1, 1) = x$

And took 5 minutes to find all the solutions.

  Posted by Charlie on 2004-06-19 17:25:43
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