A step function f(x) is defined on the interval [0, 1)
From [0, 1/2), the step is 1/2 high.
From [1/2, 3/4), the step is 3/4 high
From [3/4, 7/8), the step is 7/8 high
From [ 1 - 1/(2^k), 1 - 1/(2^(k+1)) ) the step is 1 - 1/(2^(k+1)) high
What is the exact area under the step function?
I'm a little late to come in, and I haven't peeked yet.
The area is a sumation of an infinite sequence:
Each term is .5^n*(1-.5^n).
Simplify to 2^-n - 2^-2n.
The infinite sum of such a sequence would seem to equal the sum of all 2^-n where n is positive and odd. So the first term is 1/2 and every next term is a fourth of the previous. In binary, the decimal would be .101010..., which is equal to 2/3.
Posted by Tristan
on 2004-07-08 15:38:40 |