Ten nine-letter words have been separated into units of three letters. The units have been randomly put in the below list. Can you determine the original 10 words?
dst rbr ard man tor rbo
ove and con erf ent dli
new fly spa dif hai ght
per all fis ban ush hea
dra gon fer wat duc her
ght is probably an ending. At the very least, I am quite sure it should be preceded by a vowel. So we have the following possibilities:
oveght, draght, flyght, spaght, haight, rboght, dlight, heaght
The only one that seems correct is dlight. After that, it seems that Headlight makes sense.
For a moment I thought I was going to find Flyfishing (but that’s 10 letters and not a single word). But that led me to Fisherman.
Overboard just popped out to me.
rbr didn’t look like an ending, so I tried to see what could come next. Only rbrand and rbrush made sense, leading me to Hairbrush.
dst also doesn’t look like an ending, so what could come next? dstand and dstall made some sense, which lead me to Bandstand.
wat looked like it should be followed by ch or er, so I saw waterf. After that, I saw Waterfall.
Dragonfly, duh!
Newspaper, they’re just all popping out now.
Different, should have seen that one.
Conductor – wasn’t this and Different in the last one?
Posted by nikki
on 2004-08-11 08:59:12 |