It is obviously 31,536,033 for a regular year, and 31,622,433 for a leap year.
31536000/31622400 seconds in a regular/leap year + 12 2nds of each month + 12 2nds from the 22nds of each month + 1 for the 2nd 'e' in 'one year' + 1 for this is the second time I am mentioning the letter 'e' + 1 for the second word 'year' + 1 for 'n' is the second letter in 'one year' + 1 for 'a' is the second to last letter + 1 for 'e' is the second vowel + 1 for 'y' is the second consonant + 1 for 'e' is the second to last vowel + 1 for 'y' is the second to last consonant.
I don't know where everyone else got their silly answers, but I'm sure this one is the right one.
Posted by Dustin
on 2004-11-16 15:35:54 |