6300846559 is such that 6 is divisible by 2; 63, by 3; 630, by 5; 6300, by 7; and, in general, if you take its first N digits, it will be divisible by the N-th prime.
There is only one other such 10 digit number: can you find it?
(In reply to
re(2): Solution (VB program) by Penny)
The following code works in VB 5.0:
Dim prime(18)
Private Sub Command1_Click()
For i = 1 To 18
prime(i) = Choose(i, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61)
Open "primediv.txt" For Output As #2
buildOn ""
Close 2
End Sub
Sub buildOn(s$)
l = Len(s$) + 1
had = 0
For i = 0 To 9
d$ = LTrim$(Str$(i))
s1$ = s$ + d$
v = Val(s1$)
q = Int(v / prime(l))
r = v - q * prime(l)
If r = 0 Then
had = 1
If l = UBound(prime) Then
Print #2, s1$; "*"
buildOn s1$
End If
End If
Next i
If had = 0 Then
le$ = Right(" " + Str$(Len(s$)), 2) + " "
Print #2, le$; s$
End If
End Sub
The output was sent to a file as VB 5.0 has no console object. The resulting file was:
5 00077
7 0056168
9 030147871
5 03080
5 03509
6 035750
6 060281
6 060944
5 06512
9 065897139
6 090311
8 09526467
7 0959276
4 2100
9 210769470
8 21560592
7 2401369
4 2408
7 2450890
5 24574
6 270270
6 270933
7 2751195
8 27588627
8 42009551
7 4207585
4 4256
6 450125
7 4508927
8 45507812
5 45573
5 48026
6 480922
7 4851086
7 4858753
6 600600
7 6055536
10 6300846559
7 6307476
5 63569
6 660114
7 6608818
9 665067264
5 66572
5 69025
6 690911
4 6951
7 6958644
4 8106
8 81554270
8 84007379
8 84073670
6 845689
6 870103
7 8708709
7 8750563
10 8757193191
The asterisk after 000000000000000000 indicates that recursion was stopped deliberately. Otherwise recursion would go on forever and of course run out of stack space.
In QuickBasic, a DOS program under a Command Prompt, extra stack space was made using
CLEAR , , 5000
but I'm sure Windows programs in VB have more stack space to begin with. Just be sure that stack levels do not run out of hand.
Posted by Charlie
on 2005-01-04 18:29:01 |