Can you decipher the following messages? They don't necessarily use the same coding pattern.
1) irrew frg xprt. mf ucpoy jre.
2) uodakw tsf ioaivdh mt skjdo ishd
Once you’ve deciphered them, can you figure out the complete coding patterns? What is going on here? Can you now encode the following words using the corresponding coding patterns?
1) wax
2) zip
(In reply to
A handicap by Hugo)
Yeah, I figured out what you meant later. I totally misunderstood you before. When you said "for me the title should be…" I thought you meant "in my opinion, the title needs to be corrected and should be…" like you found a different coding pattern or something.
And then when you said something about an azerty keyboard, I thought that was a joke. I thought you meant "I made some typo's when I thought I was correcting your title. If my suggested title had been correct I would have been using some crazy keyboard" and made up a name for the keyboard =)
I read way too much into things, and I usually takes me in the wrong direction! Like in that inequalities problem that I was crazy off on =)
I'm curious how you finally got the association... I should ask Leming this too. Was it like Step 1: Decipher messages. Step 2: Use the letters you know so far to decipher the title. Step 3: Educated guesses help fill in the rest of the title which pretty much gives it away.
Or was it something like Step 1: Decipher messages. Step 2: Notice something weird is going on with punctuation and figured it out.
Just curious. Later!
Posted by nikki
on 2005-01-25 12:57:02 |