Find nine single digit numbers (other than 1, 2, 3, ..., and 9) with a sum of 45 and a product of 9! (362,880).
For instance, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8 add up to 45, but their product is 645,120.
Try finding the answer without the use of a program.
(In reply to
re: thoughts (OK, I tried, but...) (spoiler) by Charlie)
Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie.
I laughed when I read your comment. You and your computer programs. I saw your first comment and then your reply to yourself and just had to laugh. At least you tried.
I can picture someone sitting with pen and paper and all kinds of numbers written and scatched out, etc., just beating their head on the desk, saying, "Why? Why? Why?, I can write a program for this in about five minutes."
Posted by john
on 2005-03-04 20:35:35 |