Joe Clarkson is facing towards his right.
Karl Cole is facing towards his left.
Victoria is facing towards her right.
Mary is facing towards her left.
Jeremy Davis is facing towards his right.
Kevin Hill is facing towards his left.
Elizabeth is facing towards her right.
Kenneth Darrall is facing towards his left.
Jack Smith is facing towards his right.
Where are John Hampton , Cleopatra , and Keith Sanders facing?
(In reply to
spoiler ????? by pcbouhid)
I think you have it, pcbouhid! I applaud you.
I don't know much about playing card history, so I'm not sure which
queens Mary, Victoria, Elizabeth, and Cleopatra refer to.
However, it's quite clear that all the other first names refer to the
face of the card (Jack or King) and the last names refer to suit.
John Hampton faces left, and Keith Sanders faces right.
Posted by Tristan
on 2005-03-23 00:08:08 |