Many us us have seen the problems which start you out with a number and a sentence with a few words missing, and you have to figure out how the number fits into the sentence. For example, 8 = S on a S S could be answered 8 sides on a stop sign.
Can you figure out all these sports related starter problems? (One disclaimer, anything I've seen on TSN or ESPN counts as a "sport")
5 = S on a H T
5 = P in a F of F P B
5 = C in a P H
5 = S in a M's T M
5 = C R on the O L
5 = P N of the T B
5 = M for a M P in H
5 = L C S of W S C (Y, 1950-)
5 = C of the O S on a P T
(In reply to
#8 solution maybe? by yocko)
hmm... Guess you can't always trust an internet data source. I didn't record where I got the dates from, but in a cursory check this morning, it appears you are correct about the dates, and then of course, the problem. Longest Consecutive Streak of ...
Apologies to any who were leadastry by my unintentional misdirection.
And sure, I'll give hints for those last two. PN of the TB comes from a major north american sport, one which anybody who has kept score of should get. N of the OS on a PT is another questionable sport, though I have seen it many times on sports channels. This is more commonly played in pubs, and rarely (though possible) in teams.