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Passing Through (Posted on 2005-04-06) Difficulty: 3 of 5
You are standing in the very corner of a 10 X 10 grid of dots. How many different ways are there to get to the opposite corner of the grid? You must travel through every node once, and only once. You cannot travel diagonally, and you may not go outside of the overall perimeter.

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Conclusion | Comment 26 of 28 |


At the time I saw your name in the chatterbox.  I had the impression that your name seems familiar to me.  Now I know I have written to you before in the comments of this question.  I apologise you if I have offended you by my words in the past. 

Now I give conclusion of the question as follows:

This time you have put me in the difficult situation that I could not solve the question.  It seems to me to be that there is no solution if the terms, very corner, &, opposite corner, have been interpreted as one corner where the 90 degree is formed and another to be the opposite corner that is diagonal to the starting point.

I like to collect puzzles for keeping purpose and not for solving.  When I create puzzles, I do not like to copy from puzzles books to be my own creation or to modify the question here and there to be my own puzzles and that is why in time to come, if my creation of puzzles has been approved, it could see a slightly different kinds of puzzles.

Recently I have found the same puzzle of this in my puzzles book.  I believe the person that wrote this puzzle should have copied from his puzzle.  The puzzles book provides the same solutions as yours using chessboard.

I have caused a mess in the solution of this puzzle.  This is due to no chessboard is drawn in this question in the first place.

Different people read the question would have different interpretations of the terms, very corner, &, corner, mean.

I do not deny that their answer is correct provided that there is no space between the grids of dots.

However, I read the question another way round due to the absence of picture.  Initially I suggest a solution with the interpretation of the assumption of the term, very corner, means any edge of the grids of dots.  It reflect to me there are numerous solutions.  This is due to there is no clear cut in the question.

The second time when you point out to me that it is not very corner, the interpetation of the question turned up to be different since I tried to focus my attention from the other angle of point of view with the assumption that the term, very corner, means one corner of the girds of dots & another term, opposite corner, means the opposite corners at the same side of the starting point.  Or in other words, one starting point has two opposite corners.  The interpretation is not against the question since there is no clear cut in the question.

The third time, when you point out to me that it is not the very corner, the interpretation of the question turned up to be different since I believe you treat a corner of the grids of points where 90 degree is formed to the diagonal opposite side of the grids of points.  If I am not wrong, there is no solution for this question.

I conclude that there is no definite answer for this question since a chessboard should have been drawn in the question or the question has to mention that there is no space between grids of dots in order to direct us to the right solution.

Not only that, with different interpretation of the terms, very corner, &, corner, & the assumption whether there is space or no between the grids of dots would give different answers.  Thus, none of the answers have mentioned above are wrong due to the question does not indicate properly.

Nevertheless, I could not jump into the conclusion that your solution is wrong since you assume that there is no space in the chessboard.  I could not say that I am wrong due to I look at the question that assumes that there is space between girds of dots.  Not only that, the terms, very corner, &, opposite corner, have been interpreted differently by me.

If I have offended you previous, I sincerely apologise.


Edited on April 23, 2005, 2:57 pm

Edited on April 23, 2005, 3:13 pm

Edited on April 23, 2005, 3:22 pm
  Posted by Jonathan Chang on 2005-04-23 14:50:26

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