th ekeytothispuzzleisthe Wo rds ortoflikereadingbetw een theli nesbuttherearehint shid denin sidethet extsobes ureto thinko utside th eboxp icture atwoin chsq uare also thenum ber12is imp ortan tan dthefin alanswe ris asingl ec haracter youcanty p esittin g atyourke yboardwh atisthech aracter?
(In reply to
Great puzzle! Full solution by Avin)
Good job, Avin.
I had the same thought as you. I copied and pasted the text into wordpad, changed the font size to 12, and even set the pagewidth to 2 inches, but I went one further step and changed the typeface to Courier. I thought I could almost see the letter W in there and I was pretty sure that W was the key since it was the only letter in the original text that was capitalized, but I wasn't sure.
Very nice puzzle, Larry.
Posted by Erik O.
on 2005-05-18 15:08:20 |