A piece of wire is to be cut into two pieces (one bent into
the shape of a regular p-gon and the other a regular q-gon).
1) p = 2*q,
2) 2*perimeter(q-gon) = 3*perimeter(p-gon), and
3) the sum of the two areas is minimized;
then what is the value of q?
This doesn't seem like calculus to me. If you want to minimize the area for a given perimeter, make the polygon have as few sides as possible.
So q=3
I thought at first I wanted to maximize the area sum, so I came up with a formula in terms of q [perimeter(q-gon) = 1]
1/(2b*tan(180/b)) + 9/(16b*tan(90/b))
but this function strictly increases anyway.
Posted by Jer
on 2005-05-20 19:07:25 |