2005 base 10 is not a square. Neither is 2005 base 7 a square (equal 2*7^3+5=691). Is there any base b such that 2005 base b is a square?
A quip was made by McWorter about other mathematical bases.
I wonder about the philosophical legitimacy of my solution, but within
the limited parameters which I have defined for myself, my solution has
If I take the number 4 (base 10) into a modular arithmetical/algebraic
environment, eg mod(5), 4 still remains as 4. It is still the
square of 2.
Now I think I tread on eggshells:<br>
I am considering 2005 base 10 under the modulus of
2001. 2001 => 0, 2002 => 1, 2003 => 2, 2004 => 3 and
2005 => 4!
<br> Yes, 2 * 2 = 4, and I have a square.
A generality of my approach to this is: 2005 (mod(2001-x^2)) = x * x.
<p> Now before any would like to drag me violently kicking to La
Place de L'Etoile to exact penance as a heretic I will offer these
1. Back to base 10 mod(5). 2 * 2 = 4, but 4 * 4 =
1. [Now here might be another base to work from!]<br>
2. In reality, the highest value that can exist for mod(x) is x-1.
<p> Good piece of trivial exploration? But I guess that
I've destroyed my own case! Bonjour Madame Guillotine!<p>
<p> Hey! Sorry, this is probably a Forum matter, but if I get
away with playing with squares in a modulus environment, then why not
.... primes ... Fermat numbers ... Fibonacci series ...
<br> Some of these instances obvious come up in practical program
situations, but philosophically, is this a legitimate tack? Yes, I will
take it there. Comments to that end, please go to Forums/General.
Posted by brianjn
on 2005-06-01 07:30:34 |