The Fibonacci sequence goes F(0)=0, F(1)=1, and for n>1, F(n)=F(n-1)+F(n-2).
Show that for every positive integer m there exists an integer n>0 such that m divides F(n).
(In reply to
re(2): Proof--Quick fix by Nick Hobson)
To Nick Hobson:
That's because C was actually referring to a pair of consecutive
numbers. For example, the sequence 1,1,0,1,1,0,... would be
ABCABC... where A is (1,1), B is (1,0), and C is (0,1). I
apologize if this was unclear.
To McWorter:
No, my proof does not work for the Lucas sequence, and does not need to. It consists of two basic steps.
First, I prove that the fibonacci sequence mod m must repeat the same
pattern from the beginning over and over. This is because any
pair of consecutive numbers in the sequence necessarily leads to
another unique consecutive pair, and is preceded by a unique
consecutive pair. There is a finite number of possible
consecutive pairs, so it must repeat at some point. Since (1,1)
is the first pair that appears, it must repeat sometime at a later
Second, I prove that if (1,1) is somewhere in the middle of the sequence, it must be preceded by (0,1), for all m.
This does not work for the Lucas sequence, since I can't easily prove
that (1,1) is anywhere in the sequence, though I haven't yet disproved
it for the Lucas sequence either.
Posted by Tristan
on 2005-06-12 19:30:46 |