A cylindrical glass has a mass of 100 grams. It is partially filled with water (density = 1 gram/cubic centimeter.)
The glass has an inside diameter of 8cm and an internal depth of 15cm. When empty the center of mass is 8cm from the top of the glass.
The glass is most stable when its center of gravity is as low as possible. How much water is then in the glass?
the answer to nine from elleven is to take two sticks placed at a diagonal to form two letter sboth being N the nextt three sticks are than placed horrizontally on the last stick formming an E thus spelling NINE. The answe to what am I is an ear. The answer to the question dealling with a cylinder and specific gravity is really simple because specific gravity ballances out when ther is an equal amount of pressure on both the top and bottom therefore the glass is either halff full or half empty
Posted by DAVID
on 2005-09-11 12:48:22 |