I have a clock at home that chimes on every hour and half hour mark. On whole hour marks it chimes once for each hour, and on half hour marks it chimes only once.
One night I was wakened suddenly and realized the the clock had chimed, but I did not know how many times. As I lay awake thinking about nothing in particular I heard the clock chime once and started wondering what time it was.
What is the longest amount of time I would have to lie awake before I knew for sure what time it was?
Your clock chimes on the hour as well as every half hour. You know this. The clock awakens you and you lay there thinking. Then you hear one chime. It is reasonable to assume that is the half hour chime, or that it was the one o clock chime, and the one you heard before was the half hour chime. At any rate it should only take you a half of an hour to hear the next chime. If it is one chime you will know it is 1:30 am if it is more you will know the exact hour. However, i suggest you get a digital clock so you can glance over to check the time in the night rather than spending all that time awake. :)
Posted by Goldwing
on 2005-09-21 22:45:07 |