A six letter word, that when you take out its last letter, becomes half of its meaning.
What word is it?
(In reply to
I hope this isn't it by Old Original Oskar!)
OOO, I knew this one too, and I´m resisting to accept all the possible "answers" given so far.
I hope that the answer is in fact a special word, not a plural, that you cut the "s" and becomes half, even why plural doesn´t mean "double", live "gloves" (could be two, three, ... cloves) - glove (1 glove), or things (two, three, ... things) - thing (one thing), or generalising any noun that you choose. Or, if a plural, cuting the "s", become a word that means only "one".
I don´t know if I´m making myself clear. I would accept an answer like (if a five letters word) "twins" - "twin", though even this one could be attacked.
Posted by pcbouhid
on 2005-09-23 20:31:44 |