A six letter word, that when you take out its last letter, becomes half of its meaning.
What word is it?
Well, I've been thinking again and this is all I can come up with: the six letter word "dulcet" that becomes "dulce" when the last letter is removed.
dulcet:pleasant to the ear or taste because of it's soothing softness
dulce:to make sweet; to soothe
Unfortunately, while it reduces the meaning much like my "triplet" to "triple" solution, it doesn't seem to reduce it by exactly half...so depending on how precise the question was meant to be this could be the answer...or it could be way off.
On a funny side note, while I was contemplating this puzzle a very funny six letter to five letter combo occured to me:
colony - colon
Posted by Goldwing
on 2005-09-30 17:29:46 |