A six letter word, that when you take out its last letter, becomes half of its meaning.
What word is it?
Perhaps we need to read the problem more literally. The phrase "its
meaning" contains 10 letters and so "half of 'its meaning'" could very
well be a set of five letters as is, of course, the result of
shortening a six letter word. I don't see any solutions using the first
or last five letters of "its meaning" in their original order, but a
word like "mister" would, after removing the last letter, leave you
with exactly 1/2 of the letters in "its meaning".
I admit I like the idea of finding a word whose meaning after
shortening is somehow 1/2 of the meaning of the original, but I've had
zero luck in finding such a word. Maybe this is the next best thing?
Posted by Paul
on 2005-10-01 06:46:00 |