If traveling through a white circle takes that many minutes, and black circles represent backwards jumps in time that save 5 minutes, what's the shortest trip through this map?
From the spanish MENSA site.
I can not find a solution that solves this puzzle where it takes less than 5 white squares to reach the end, nor can I find a solution where, using only five whites, you can use more than 4 blacks.
Therefore, the shortest solution appears to be 14->black (=9) black ->12 (=21) ->black (=16) ->10 (=26)->black (=21) ->12 (=33) -> black (=28) ->13 (=41)
The answer would be 41.
Of course, that isn't very hard to solve and so I can't see why it would be a mensa problem, so maybe there is something I missed.
Posted by Goldwing
on 2005-10-11 21:32:49 |