Can the omnipotent God create a stone which he(she?) him(her?)self Cannot carry?
(Note: blasphemy added by levik. Disregard if offensive)
If a particular diety (in this case, God with a capital G*) is omnipotent, S/He* has the power to do anything -- including end His/Her* own omnipotence by creating a rock which S/He* cannot influence -- S/He's* now nearly omnipotent, with one exception (that rock).
*About my capitals: I was using the Bible's methodology because the question said "the omnipotent God" (my emphasis). This implies that its talking about the Bible's God, not any random omnipotent god (lowercase g). It is not done because I am Christian** or believe that the Bible's diety deserves special recognition in pronouns -- not that it doesn't! In English, we capitalize our own 1st person singular pronoun (I), while most languages don't (yo from Spanish, for example). This isn't right or wrong, its just different.
**If you're curious, I'm agnostic, but go to (of my own choice) a Unitarian-Universalist fellowship (fellowship=church/synagouge/etc)
Posted by Berney
on 2005-11-16 19:20:58 |