Replace each letter by a positive rational number such that the following is true. Do it for rationals that can be written in the same denominator that is as small as possible.
O + N + E = 1
T + W + O = 2
T + H + R + E + E = 3
F + O + U + R = 4
F + I + V + E = 5
S + I + X = 6
Itīs hard to believe that in this kind of problem we MUST state that "different letters, different numbers; same letters, same numbers".
Whatīs the meaning of submiting a problem where O = 1/3, N = 1/3, and E = 1/3????????? And only in one expression, they change their values in other expression!
Probably that rating "1" was given by somebody who didnīt even read the problem, or donīt know how to attack it.
Somebody said once (and I agree): "I donīt wanna know your answer, I wanna learn to think with you". But it seems that a few thinks this way.
Those who posted "an answer", explain it. Give the values of all the letters.
And Happy New Year to all!!
Edited on December 30, 2005, 7:16 am
Posted by pcbouhid
on 2005-12-30 06:39:43 |