Replace each letter by a positive rational number such that the following is true. Do it for rationals that can be written in the same denominator that is as small as possible.
O + N + E = 1
T + W + O = 2
T + H + R + E + E = 3
F + O + U + R = 4
F + I + V + E = 5
S + I + X = 6
Sorry...I didn't mean to offend. Your problem caught my
imagination, and it struck me that a slightly trickier variant might be
an interesting tangent, while perhaps not being sufficiently different
from the original problem to justify its own post. While I'm
relatively new here and am still learning how things work, in my
defense, I've read enough threads to recognize that I'm hardly the
first to do such a thing.
Anyway, here's my solution, now that you've clarified that unique
values for all 13 variables are required. (I don't think that
goes necessarily goes without saying: it's still a perfectly good
problem even without that constraint, though obviously one with many
more solutions.)
Shared denominator of 6, with numerators as follows: O=2, N=3, E=1,
T=4, W=6, H=7, R=5, F=8, U=9, and one of these four possibilities:
I=10, V=11, S=12, X=14
I=10, V=11, S=14, X=12
I=11, V=10, S=12, X=13
I=11, V=10, S=13, X=12
As I mentioned, if reducible fractions are disallowed, we have to move
to a shared denominator of 7, in which case there are about a zillion
solutions (though only two with the lowest possible sum of the 13
numerators, which is 101).
Posted by Ethan
on 2005-12-30 12:42:52 |