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Who Stole the Birdseed? (Posted on 2004-10-21) Difficulty: 3 of 5
  Bonnie bought a bag of birdseed. She left it in her apartment (#5) before she went to work, intending to fill the feeder that afternoon. But when she got back, the bag of birdseed was gone!

  There were four other people living in the same apartment building as her, all of whom were avid birdwatchers like Bonnie. One of them must have done it. Look at the clues below. If you know everybody's name, apartment number (#1 through #4), and favourite bird, you will know who is guilty.

1. The guilty person's apartment number is not numbered one higher or one lower than Hal's.
2. Joe's favourite bird is the crow; his apartment number is one lower than that of Ike (who doesn't like robins).
3. The guilty person's apartment is not #3 (the number of the finch-lover's).
4. Gil is neither at apartment #1 nor the wren-lover.


See The Solution Submitted by Captain Paradox    
Rating: 3.0263 (38 votes)

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Solution this is the solution | Comment 129 of 134 |

So lets start

 1. Joe loves crows and the finch lover lives in the 3rd apartment so  joe does not lives in the 3rd apartment.

 2. So Ike also doesn't live in the 4rth apartment and he also does not live in the 1st apartment because his apartment number is 1 higher then Joe's.

 3. Gil also doesn't live in the 1st apartment and he is also not the wren lover.

 4. Since Hal is not the guilty person so he doesn't live in 3rd apartment.

 5. Now since finch lover lives in 3rd apartment so Hal is not the finch lover. So either Gil or Ike is the finch lover.

 6. Since Gil is not the wren lover so he is the finch lover and he lives in the 3rd apartment.

 7. Since Ike does not like Robins so he likes wrens and so Hal likes Robins.

 7. Since Ike does not live in the 1st , 3rd and 4rth apartment so he lives in the 2nd apartment and So Joe lives in the 1st Apartment.

 8. So Hal lives in the 4rth Apartment.

 9. So sorry Joe you did it.

  Posted by akash on 2006-01-01 09:48:11
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