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A Song for the Season (Posted on 2006-02-08) Difficulty: 3 of 5
Golkam: Hello everyone, I am a little late.

Golkam: So anyway, what are we going to plan for the theme for this year's dance? I don't have too many ideas to choose bewteen.

Dartam: Well, you could wish to do a prehistoric one.

Golkam: What would be used for scenery?

Azdam: I don't think that would work. You would only have rocks and dinos to use. I would suggest something more geographic.

Dartam: Ya, I suppose you are truthful. My alternate suggestion would be using a Sixties theme which would have plenty of ambient items.

Bastam: From a high perspective, it sounds fine. Do you think so?

Azdam: Agree, is a better idea. Then you have an entire decade.

Bastam: I also think that we should get a live DJ to compile hits.

Cagram: That appears to be expensive. I suggest a song playlist.

Bastam: It wouldn't be expensive. I got an exact price and the prearrangement obtained was for a long time, so I was able to secure a discount.

Azdam: I will check for Sixties soundtracks to get for him.

Golkam: That would work well with the theme.

Golkam: Note down the attendance keeps going down for the rest of the year. I don't know the reason but maybe people are getting tired of them.

Forgam: I think people who went to them at the beginning are busy now.

Epotram: It didn't seem to dwindle; has it been decreasing that amount?

Forgam: Yeah, I think it has been decreasing for a while; work has come up and...

Golkam: I hope it goes up again.

Azdam: It will for a little while but it will probably drop out again.

Bastam: Yeah, it will probably go down soon after that.

Forgam: People are on break, so although they may attend more during that break, afterwards attendance will just decrease again but I don't think...

Epotram: Well I wager that after the break people will return; I think this Sixties event will improve attendance.

Dartam: Ya Sixties is cool.

Dartam: I will go work on the decorations. It will take a while to put them on. If anyone is inclined to help, I will be present at this location for a while. I think I will turn on the radio; I wonder what song is playing?

See The Solution Submitted by Gamer    
Rating: 4.3333 (9 votes)

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Hints/Tips re: First thoughts | Comment 6 of 20 |
(In reply to First thoughts by Hugo)

Oh, come! It's not as difficult as all that! Actually, I'm feeling rather joyful that I emerged triumphant over this puzzle so quickly. There are indeed many red herrings, however!

(I love all of your characters, Gamer, but I think Forgam is my favorite. He's the sharpest one of the bunch.)

Now come, everyone, let us all adore Gamer's puzzle-making abilities! (Even if he is a couple of months late.)

Edited on February 9, 2006, 7:36 am
  Posted by Jyqm on 2006-02-08 20:11:52

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