The solution to this puzzle is a single word described by a cryptic phrase found by ignoring this message (after some reflection):
nofit celof rerem mosre tfaae
galss lemys ichtg onnir ongif
ybedn ruofe asarh fipcf ittpy
yrcay bddeb oircs elddl
arrow felga nicse asiin elzaz
merup sihto tinoi tulos ehcat.
(In reply to
re: Solution (again) by tomarken)
Peter tomarken, youy're too smart, I am still on the "after some reflection" part.
Some random thoughts discover U.S. (the USA?) Was that Columbus or Vespucci? Ignoring them could mean something like taking those letters out of a key word.
Other path of attack: If you feedx the tewxt in a frequency analyzer, you get a curve that's close enough to a normal encrypted text. The E should be an E, but changing I to T doesn't give any tHe possibilities and is therefore unlikely. Now the real work must start, but that will have to wait, at the moment my personal computer can't stand working with the heating on (and its getting cold in the evening).
Posted by Hugo
on 2006-03-14 12:47:03 |