Determine whether or not N is a composite number, where
N = 675*2621 + 677*2610 - 1
prime number (or a prime) is a natural number that has exactly two (distinct) natural number divisors, which are 1 and the prime number itself. A
composite number is a positive integer which has a positive divisor other than one or itself.
By definition, every integer greater than one is either a prime number or a composite number. The numbers 0 and 1 are considered to be neither prime nor composite.
10 N=675*(26^21)+677*(26^10)-1
15 print N
20 for I=1 to 5000000
30 P=nxtprm(P)
35 if P*P>N then cancel for:goto 80
40 while N@P=0
50 print P;:N=N//P
60 wend
70 next
80 print N
29 1949 18451 33409 54199861 185204990569
The number in question is 349739013110925226193694221284351
and factors into the primes:
29 1949 18451 33409 54199861 185204990569
Posted by Charlie
on 2006-04-23 14:40:04 |