I entered a store and spent one-half of the money that was in my wallet. When I came out I found that I had just as many paise as I had rupees and half as many rupees as I had paise when I went in.
How much money did I have with me when I entered the store ?
( Given: 1 Rupee = 100 Paise ).
(In reply to
maybe the answer by silvis)
No one has voted on your problem because no one has seen it yet. There are only ten problems available to be voted on at any one time, and there are currently nearly 300 problems waiting approval. Recently the system to advance problems was revised so that (among other things) new members first two puzzles move faster through the line. Hopefully we will be seeing and voting on your puzzle very soon.
Posted by TomM
on 2003-03-18 15:56:48 |