What are the only 4 words in the English language that end in "dous"?
(In reply to
Cheating, we get... by Charlie)
In addition to your list from Random House Websters Unabridged are the following additional words ending in "dous" from the "common" word list provided by www.onelook.com and its dictionary links:
blendous, hybridous, nefandous, infandous [obsolete], tardigradous [obsolete];
and the zoological and botanical specialized words -- amphipodous, anarthropodous, annelidous, brachypodous, frondous, gasteropodous, heteropodous, ligniperdous, macropodous, mesomyodous, neuropodous, peristeropodous, phyllopodous, polymyodous, pteropodous, pygopodous, rhizopodous, steganopodous, stomatopodous, trachelipodous
Also from www.onelook.com and its dictionary links are the "not-so-common" word list of additional words ending in "dous":
anidous, arthropodous, branchiopodous, centifidous, cowardous, curculionidous, deccapodous, diabetes insipidous, diplolepidous, diplopodous, discordous, dolichopodous, haemapodous, haplolepidous, heterolepidous, infecundous, laemodipodous, lemuridous, macrocladous, micropodal micropodous, myriapodous, niggardous, octopodous, odous, olidous, pachycladous, pachypodous, pharcidous, polypodous, repandous, sauropodous, schizopodous, sciapodous, scoubidous, sesquilepidous, solipedous, splendidous, surquedous, timidous, turgidous
Posted by Dej Mar
on 2006-09-02 08:04:16 |