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Home > Logic > Liars and Knights
A Fourth Person Problem (Posted on 2006-11-01) Difficulty: 2 of 5
We know that Liars always lie about everything, Knights always tell the truth. and Knaves strictly alternate between lying and telling the truth. All the inhabitants of Island T are Knights, Knaves or Liars.

A visiting tourist was busy in conversation with A, B and C who are inhabitants of Island T, when a fourth inhabitant passed them by. It is known that one of A, B, and C is a Knight; the other is a Knave while the remaining one is a Liar. Nothing definite is known about the fourth inhabitant. A, B, and C, say:

A's statements:
1. The fourth person is a Knight like me.
2. Both B and C have been known to speak falsely.
3. C is less truthful than B or myself.

B's statements:
1. The fourth person is a Knave.
2. He (the fourth person) is not like me.

C's statements:
1. If you were to ask the fourth person, he could claim to be a Liar.
2. The fourth person is a Knight.

Out of the first three, who is the Knight, who is the Liar, and who is the Knave? And what is the fourth person?

See The Solution Submitted by K Sengupta    
Rating: 3.1667 (6 votes)

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re: Confused... | Comment 4 of 16 |
(In reply to Confused... by JLo)

Good question, JLo.

This is a common problem in computer program code: "A is not equal to B or C" becomes a statement that is always true if B and C are not equal.

In conversational language "C is less truthful than B or myself" really means (or implies) "C is less truthful than B AND myself." That's the way I interpreted it. But strictly speaking you are correct about that.   

  Posted by Penny on 2006-11-01 13:39:32
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