(In reply to
...through the most grievous faults by Charlie)
In VB 5.0:
Dim board(6, 6), ct, fct, hst$(2000), rptCt
Private Sub cmdStart_Click()
Open "domfault.txt" For Output As #2
board(1, 1) = 1: board(1, 2) = 1
place 2, 1, 3
Print ct, fct
End Sub
Sub place(domNo, row, col)
If board(row, col) = 0 Then
board(row, col) = domNo
If col < 6 Then
If board(row, col + 1) = 0 Then
board(row, col + 1) = domNo
GoSub checkRest
board(row, col + 1) = 0
End If
End If
If row < 6 Then
If board(row + 1, col) = 0 Then
board(row + 1, col) = domNo
GoSub checkRest
board(row + 1, col) = 0
End If
End If
board(row, col) = 0
End If
Exit Sub
If domNo = 18 Then
h1$ = "": ttbl$ = ""
For r = 1 To 6
For c = 6 To 1 Step -1
p2 = board(r, c): p$ = Mid$("123456789abcdefghij", p2, 1)
If InStr(ttbl$, p$) Then
v$ = Mid$("123456789abcdefghij", InStr(ttbl$, p$), 1)
v$ = Mid$("123456789abcdefghij", (Len(ttbl$) + 1), 1)
ttbl$ = ttbl$ + p$
End If
h1$ = h1$ + v$
Next c
Next r
h2$ = "": ttbl$ = ""
For r = 6 To 1 Step -1
For c = 1 To 6
p2 = board(r, c): p$ = Mid$("123456789abcdefghij", p2, 1)
If InStr(ttbl$, p$) Then
v$ = Mid$("123456789abcdefghij", InStr(ttbl$, p$), 1)
v$ = Mid$("123456789abcdefghij", (Len(ttbl$) + 1), 1)
ttbl$ = ttbl$ + p$
End If
h2$ = h2$ + v$
Next c
Next r
h3$ = "": ttbl$ = ""
For r = 6 To 1 Step -1
For c = 6 To 1 Step -1
p2 = board(r, c): p$ = Mid$("123456789abcdefghij", p2, 1)
If InStr(ttbl$, p$) Then
v$ = Mid$("123456789abcdefghij", InStr(ttbl$, p$), 1)
v$ = Mid$("123456789abcdefghij", (Len(ttbl$) + 1), 1)
ttbl$ = ttbl$ + p$
End If
h3$ = h3$ + v$
Next c
Next r
h4$ = "": ttbl$ = ""
For r = 1 To 6
For c = 6 To 1 Step -1
p2 = board(c, r): p$ = Mid$("123456789abcdefghij", p2, 1)
If InStr(ttbl$, p$) Then
v$ = Mid$("123456789abcdefghij", InStr(ttbl$, p$), 1)
v$ = Mid$("123456789abcdefghij", (Len(ttbl$) + 1), 1)
ttbl$ = ttbl$ + p$
End If
h4$ = h4$ + v$
Next c
Next r
h5$ = "": ttbl$ = ""
For r = 6 To 1 Step -1
For c = 1 To 6
p2 = board(c, r): p$ = Mid$("123456789abcdefghij", p2, 1)
If InStr(ttbl$, p$) Then
v$ = Mid$("123456789abcdefghij", InStr(ttbl$, p$), 1)
v$ = Mid$("123456789abcdefghij", (Len(ttbl$) + 1), 1)
ttbl$ = ttbl$ + p$
End If
h5$ = h5$ + v$
Next c
Next r
h6$ = "": ttbl$ = ""
For r = 6 To 1 Step -1
For c = 6 To 1 Step -1
p2 = board(c, r): p$ = Mid$("123456789abcdefghij", p2, 1)
If InStr(ttbl$, p$) Then
v$ = Mid$("123456789abcdefghij", InStr(ttbl$, p$), 1)
v$ = Mid$("123456789abcdefghij", (Len(ttbl$) + 1), 1)
ttbl$ = ttbl$ + p$
End If
h6$ = h6$ + v$
Next c
Next r
h7$ = "": ttbl$ = ""
For r = 1 To 6
For c = 1 To 6
p2 = board(c, r): p$ = Mid$("123456789abcdefghij", p2, 1)
If InStr(ttbl$, p$) Then
v$ = Mid$("123456789abcdefghij", InStr(ttbl$, p$), 1)
v$ = Mid$("123456789abcdefghij", (Len(ttbl$) + 1), 1)
ttbl$ = ttbl$ + p$
End If
h7$ = h7$ + v$
Next c
Next r
h8$ = "": ttbl$ = ""
For r = 1 To 6
For c = 1 To 6
p2 = board(r, c): p$ = Mid$("123456789abcdefghij", p2, 1)
If InStr(ttbl$, p$) Then
v$ = Mid$("123456789abcdefghij", InStr(ttbl$, p$), 1)
v$ = Mid$("123456789abcdefghij", (Len(ttbl$) + 1), 1)
ttbl$ = ttbl$ + p$
End If
h8$ = h8$ + v$
Next c
Next r
good = 1
For i = 1 To ct
If h1$ = hst$(i) Then good = 0: Exit For
If h2$ = hst$(i) Then good = 0: Exit For
If h3$ = hst$(i) Then good = 0: Exit For
If h4$ = hst$(i) Then good = 0: Exit For
If h5$ = hst$(i) Then good = 0: Exit For
If h6$ = hst$(i) Then good = 0: Exit For
If h7$ = hst$(i) Then good = 0: Exit For
If good Then
ct = ct + 1
hst$(ct) = h8$
ReDim cfault(6): cf = 0
For c = 1 To 5
cfault(c) = c
For r = 1 To 6
If board(r, c) = board(r, c + 1) Then cfault(c) = 0
If cfault(c) Then cf = 1
ReDim rfault(6): rf = 0
For r = 1 To 5
rfault(r) = r
For c = 1 To 6
If board(r, c) = board(r + 1, c) Then rfault(r) = 0
If rfault(r) Then rf = 1
If cf Or rf Then fct = fct + 1
If cf Then
For r = 1 To 5
If cfault(r) Then Print #2, "|"; Else Print #2, " ";
Print #2,
End If
For r = 1 To 6
For c = 1 To 6
Print #2, Mid$("123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", board(r, c), 1);
If rfault(r) Then Print #2, "_";
Print #2,
Print #2,
rptCt = rptCt + 1
End If
r = row: c = col
If c = 6 Then
r = r + 1: c = 1
r = r: c = c + 1
End If
Loop Until r > 6 Or board(r, c) = 0
If r <= 6 Then
place domNo + 1, r, c
End If
End If
End Sub
Posted by Charlie
on 2007-03-23 11:32:10 |