You are to fill a 4 x 4 grid with 16 unique letters (these include the 5 vowels).
Each row and column is to form a different English word.
The grid is scored as A=1 to Z=26 for each letter used.
Should the above task prove elusive, letters may only be repeated once but only the first occurrence is to be scored.
What is your best solution and score?
I like what Dej Mar and Penny have produced. In proposing this I did expect that there might be some words that may have been a little obscure, like "ulva".
Having tussled with this myself it would have been unfair to rule them out.
With a range wordlists available it seemed that a programmed outcome was clearly necessary.
Penny? Are you prepared to show us your 'goods'? Program I mean.
Let's now see what Charlie has for us.
Posted by brianjn
on 2007-04-05 23:49:59 |