You are to fill a 4 x 4 grid with 16 unique letters (these include the 5 vowels).
Each row and column is to form a different English word.
The grid is scored as A=1 to Z=26 for each letter used.
Should the above task prove elusive, letters may only be repeated once but only the first occurrence is to be scored.
What is your best solution and score?
(In reply to
Impressed by brianjn)
Listed in decreasing order of score, mirror-images side-by-side (i.e., columns/rows interchanged):
kaph kris pash prig caph cris chit cwms
ruly auto ruly auto ruly auto wany haul
item plew item slew item plew murk inro
sown 230 hymn 230 gown 226 hymn 226 sown 222 hymn 222 sloe 217 tyke 217
nags newt fash frig gash grid flow frap
ecru achy ruly auto ruly auto ruby luge
whim grip item slew item slew agin obit
typo 217 sumo 217 gown 216 hymn 216 down 214 hymn 214 pets 213 wyns 213
slid syph bash brig grid gyps bach bris
yuca lure ruly auto yuca rule ruly auto
prow icon item slew plow icon item clew
hent 213 dawt 213 gown 212 hymn 212 sent 212 dawt 212 sown 208 hymn 208
tidy toph chow crap meow muck irks itch
ogre iglu ruby huge upby epha tuna ruly
plan dram agin obit chin obit clog knop
hums 207 yens 207 pets 206 wyns 206 kats 205 wyns 205 hype 204 sage 204
irks itch tick toph chid cwms irks itch
tune ruly ogre iglu wany haul tuna ruly
clag knap play cram murk inro clod knop
hypo 204 sego 204 hums 203 keys 203 sloe 201 dyke 201 hype 201 sade 201
chug coft bach brig slid syph tidy toph
oily hire ruly auto yuca lure ogre iglu
frap ulan item clew prof icon plan drab
tens 199 gyps 199 gown 196 hymn 196 hent 196 daft 196 hubs 196 yens 196
glib gyps tick toph toph tick tick toph
yuca lure ogre iglu iglu ogre ogre iglu
prow icon plan cram crab play plan crab
send 194 bawd 194 hums 192 kens 192 keys 192 hubs 192 hubs 181 kens 181
kaph: the eleventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
kris: alternate spelling of creese, a short sword or heavy dagger with a wavy blade, used by the Malays
plew: a beaver skin, esp. one of prime quality.
pash: slang: an infatuation for another person; crush.
caph: alternate spelling of kaph
cwms: cirques (circles or rings)
wany: waning; decreasing; diminished in part.
inro: a small lacquer box with compartments for medicines, cosmetics, etc., worn on the waist sash of the traditional Japanese costume
I've bolded three of the solutions that have more common words.
Dim grid(4, 4), nWords, hadLet(26), alpha, wList(4000), letStart(26)
Private Sub cmdStart_Click()
alpha = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
Open "c:\words\words4.txt" For Binary As #1
Open "c:\words\just one.txt" For Output As #2
w$ = Space$(4)
Get #1, , w$
If EOF(1) Then Exit Do
If w$ = LCase$(w$) Then
good = 1
For i = 1 To 3
If InStr(Mid(w$, i + 1), Mid(w$, i, 1)) > 0 Then good = 0: Exit For
If good Then
nWords = nWords + 1
wList(nWords) = w$
If Mid(w$, 1, 1) > prevLet Then
prevLet = Mid(w$, 1, 1)
p = InStr(alpha, prevLet)
letStart(p) = nWords
End If
End If
End If
Print nWords
place 1
CurrentX = ScaleWidth / 2: CurrentY = 1
Print "done";
End Sub
Sub place(ps)
If ps = 1 Then
startWd = 1: endWd = nWords
startWd = letStart(InStr(alpha, grid(ps, 1)))
If startWd = letStart(26) Then endWd = nWords Else endWd = letStart(InStr(alpha, grid(ps, 1)) + 1) - 1
End If
For wSubHoriz = startWd To endWd
If ps = 1 Then
xsave = CurrentX: ysave = CurrentY
Line (1, 1)-(900, 200), RGB(255, 255, 255), BF
CurrentX = 1: CurrentY = 1
Print wList(wSubHoriz)
CurrentX = xsave: CurrentY = ysave
End If
good = 1
If ps = 1 Then
ii = 0
End If
For i = ps To 4
If hadLet(InStr(alpha, Mid(wList(wSubHoriz), i, 1))) Then good = 0: Exit For
If good Then
For i = 1 To ps - 1
If Mid(wList(wSubHoriz), i, 1) <> grid(ps, i) Then good = 0: Exit For
If good Then
For i = ps To 4
grid(ps, i) = Mid(wList(wSubHoriz), i, 1)
hadLet(InStr(alpha, grid(ps, i))) = 1
startWdV = letStart(InStr(alpha, grid(1, ps)))
If startWdV = letStart(26) Then endWdV = nWords Else endWdV = letStart(InStr(alpha, grid(1, ps)) + 1) - 1
For wSubVert = startWdV To endWdV
good2 = 1
For i = ps + 1 To 4
If hadLet(InStr(alpha, Mid(wList(wSubVert), i, 1))) Then good2 = 0: Exit For
If good2 Then
For i = 1 To ps
If Mid(wList(wSubVert), i, 1) <> grid(i, ps) Then good2 = 0: Exit For
If good2 Then
For i = ps To 4
grid(i, ps) = Mid(wList(wSubVert), i, 1)
hadLet(InStr(alpha, grid(i, ps))) = 1
If ps = 4 Then
totl = 0
For i = 1 To 26
totl = totl + hadLet(i) * i
For i = 1 To 4
For j = 1 To 4
Print grid(i, j);
Print #2, grid(i, j);
If i = 4 Then Print totl;
If i = 4 Then Print #2, totl;
Print #2,
Print #2,
j = 0
place ps + 1
End If
For i = ps + 1 To 4
hadLet(InStr(alpha, grid(i, ps))) = 0
grid(i, ps) = ""
End If
End If
For i = ps To 4
hadLet(InStr(alpha, grid(ps, i))) = 0
grid(ps, i) = ""
End If
End If
End Sub
The four-letter words are read into an array, weeding out those with duplicate letters. Each level of recursion into subroutine place, places one horizontal and then one vertical word.
The output was formatted later, and sorted descending by score, with care taken to put mirror images side-by-side, in those cases where more than just the mirror images shared the same score.
Posted by Charlie
on 2007-04-06 00:11:57 |