The following grid of word fragments represents a complete list of all members in a particular set.
What is the title of the group and what are all of its members?
ti | dol | ri | ab | fran | mar | e | |
cil | e | y | jane | car | ab | ma | |
ia | lou | li | har | mar | mar | jac | |
ah | em | ia | ah | fran | dol | da | |
ga | a | cy | gel | pris | grace | dith | |
i | sa | cre | na | jul | lou | en | |
lu | ly | y | an | sar | an | len | |
tha | mar | ces | jane | mar | mar | i | |
rose | i | o | le | gail | e | e | |
tia | tha | y | sar | ret | jul | hel | |
beth | ley | ces | an | gail | lu | el | |
et | ley | clau | line | mie | lau | e | |
i | liz | thel | a | que | ra | flor | |
za | i | bet | ra | di | ry | lynn | |
ca | i | dith | ro | ma | a | beth | |
line | na | ence | nan | ty | la | sa | |
tia | liz | hil | bar | cy | ba | la | |
I'm sure most of us thought this was a list of first ladies, but it's a little bit different.
Title: White House Hostesses (in order)
Member List:
mar-tha, ab-i-gail, mar-tha, dol-ley, dol-ley, e-liz-a-beth, lou-i-sa, em-i-ly, sar-ah, an-gel-i-ca,
an-na, le-ti-tia, jul-ia, pris-cil-la, sar-ah, mar-ga-ret, ab-i-gail, jane, har-ri-et, mar-y, e-li-za,
jul-ia, lu-cy, lu-cre-tia, mar-y, el-len, rose, fran-ces, car-o-line, mar-y, fran-ces, i-da, e-dith,
hel-en, e-dith, flor-ence, grace, lou, an-na, e-liz-a-beth, ma-mie, jac-que-line, clau-di-a,
thel-ma, bet-ty, ro-sa-lynn, jane, nan-cy, bar-ba-ra, hil-la-ry, lau-ra.
It could be argued that a few hostesses are missing from the word fragments, but this is likely the intended solution.
Edited on June 14, 2007, 6:11 pm
Posted by Guest
on 2007-06-14 16:03:52 |