Many words have two or more anagrams, like 'tame' has anagrams of 'mate' and 'meat'.
The pair 'tame' and 'meat' are not only anagrams but are derangements of each other as well, having no letter occur in the same spot in both words.
Can you find a set of three words which are all derangements of each other?
Charlie's computer assisted solution included, perhaps, almost every "common" set and a few "uncommon" sets of anagram derangements, but not all (yet nearly three times as many that I had found in my more manual search through the dictionaries).
Of the common word sets of anagram derangements not found in Charlie's submission, I submit the following -
aster resat stare
resat stare tares
Along this line of "not-so-common" word offering submitted by Charlie, sha, a letter of the Cyrillic alphabet, was included in the set -
ash has sha
I offer esh, of the set -
esh hes she
Esh, a letter of the International Phonetic Alphabet, represents the same voiceless postalveolar fricative (sh) as does sha.
From the set of English words (Webster's, unabridged) that has the most [14] anagrams (anestri, asterin, eranist, nastier, ratines, resiant, restain, retains, retinas, retsina, sainter, stainer, starnie, and stearin), Charlie listed -
anestri nastier retinas
anestri retains stainer
nastier retinas stearin
In my list, anestri was considered an "uncommon" word, nonetheless, I offer the additional sets -
anestri eranist ratines
anestri nastier starnie
asterin resiant sainter
eranist retinas stearin
eranist ratines stearin
nastier resiant stearin
Other "uncommon" word sets of anagram derangements -
air ira rai
alts last stal
anew newa wane
ante neat taen
arts sart tsar
atom moat tamo
bone ebon nebo
deil idle lied
emir meri rime
etas seta tase
iter rite reit
atche cheat teach
earth hater rehat
lates slate tesla
lates steal tesla
astern rantes sterna
master remast stream
Edited on December 6, 2007, 11:20 am
Posted by Dej Mar
on 2007-12-05 21:48:15 |