What is the answer to this question?
41912 188 71922 2318922247129 1221 11229111522368?
(In reply to
answer by K Sengupta)
At the outset, we rank the letters of the alphabet (irrespecitve of case) in the reverse order.
Thus, we have:
1 = z
2 = y
3 = x
4 = w
5 = v
6 = u
7 = t
8 = s
9 = r
10 = q
11 = p
12 = o
13 = n
14 = m
15 = l
16 = k
17 = j
18 = i
19 = h
20 = g
21 = f
22 = e
23 = d
24 = c
25 = b
26 = a
Thus, converting the numbers in the given question to their letter equivalents with proper punctuation added, we observe that the decoded question is:
"Who is the Director of Perplexus?"
It is well known that levik is the director of perplexus, and so transforming the string "levik" to its number equivalent, we obtain 152251816, and so, 152251816 is the required answer to the given question.
Edited on April 3, 2008, 12:54 pm