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Squares on Cubes (Posted on 2008-04-30) Difficulty: 3 of 5
I applied one of the digits 1 through 9 to each cell of the provided net of a cube.
My object was to create a unique 4 digit square number on each face. At the same time I required each vertex to be a 3 digit square. I failed in that objective!
I have 6 unique 4 digit squares but I have duplicated just one of my vertices.

To emulate my "feat":
- a [Magenta] Magenta cell is both the first digit of a 3 and 4 digit square
- an [Orange] Orange cell signifies the first digit of only a 4 digit square, while
- a [Cyan] Cyan cell signifies the first cell only of a 3 digit square.

The digits must be applied to each face by rotation, the direction is defined by need. "A" through "F" represent the 6 faces of the cube while "a" through "h" represent the vertices of the cube when fully assembled.
Note: Within the range allowed several squares utilise the same digits, and this is allowed by virtue of the commencement cell.
But then, there is still the challenge for 6 unique faces and 8 unique vertices.

See The Solution Submitted by brianjn    
Rating: 3.0000 (1 votes)

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Solution Computer solutions | Comment 13 of 21 |

The program was not designed to eliminate multiple occurrences of the 3-digit vertex squares, as one duplication was allowed.  Any more than the one duplication (the presence of fewer than 7 distinct 3-digit squares at vertices) was weeded out of the results by hand.

Dim sqr4(200), sqr3(100), had4(200), ctSol, numSqr3, vCt(100)
Private Sub cmdStart_Click()
 Open "squares on cube.txt" For Output As #2
 FontTransparent = False
 For i = 100 To 999
  sr = Int(Sqr(i) + 0.5)
  If sr * sr = i Then
   s = LTrim(Str(i))
   If InStr(s, "0") = 0 Then
    numSqr3 = numSqr3 + 1
    sqr3(numSqr3) = s
    Print s; " ";
   End If
  End If
 Print: Print numSqr3: Print
 For i = 1000 To 9999
  sr = Int(Sqr(i) + 0.5)
  If sr * sr = i Then
   s = LTrim(Str(i))
   If InStr(s, "0") = 0 Then
    numSqr4 = numSqr4 + 1
    sqr4(numSqr4) = LTrim(Str(i))
    Print s; " ";
   End If
  End If
 Print: Print numSqr4: Print
 For A = 1 To numSqr4
  CurrentX = 1: CurrentY = TextHeight("X") * 12
  Print A; numSqr4; ctSol: DoEvents
  had4(A) = True
  Aa = Left(sqr4(A), 1)
  For dirA = 1 To 2
   If dirA = 1 Then
    Ae = Mid(sqr4(A), 2, 1)
    Af = Mid(sqr4(A), 3, 1)
    Ab = Mid(sqr4(A), 4, 1)
    Ab = Mid(sqr4(A), 2, 1)
    Af = Mid(sqr4(A), 3, 1)
    Ae = Mid(sqr4(A), 4, 1)
   End If
   For va = 1 To numSqr3
    vCt(va) = vCt(va) + 1
    For dirVa = 1 To 2
     goodVa = True
     If Mid(sqr3(va), 2, 1) = Aa And dirVa = 1 Then
      Ba = Left(sqr3(va), 1): Ca = Right(sqr3(va), 1)
     ElseIf Mid(sqr3(va), 3, 1) = Aa And dirVa = 2 Then
      Ba = Left(sqr3(va), 1): Ca = Mid(sqr3(va), 2, 1)
      goodVa = False
     End If
     If goodVa Then
      For B = 1 To numSqr4
       If had4(B) = False Then
        For dirB = 1 To 2
         goodB = True
         If dirB = 1 And Mid(sqr4(B), 4, 1) = Ba Then
          Bd = Left(sqr4(B), 1)
          Bh = Mid(sqr4(B), 2, 1)
          Be = Mid(sqr4(B), 3, 1)
         ElseIf dirB = 2 And Mid(sqr4(B), 2, 1) = Ba Then
          Bd = Left(sqr4(B), 1)
          Bh = Mid(sqr4(B), 4, 1)
          Be = Mid(sqr4(B), 3, 1)
          goodB = False
         End If
         If goodB Then
          had4(B) = True
          For vd = 1 To numSqr3
           vCt(vd) = vCt(vd) + 1
           If Left(sqr3(vd), 1) = Bd Then
            For dirVd = 1 To 2
             If dirVd = 1 Then
              Cd = Mid(sqr3(vd), 2, 1)
              Fd = Mid(sqr3(vd), 3, 1)
              Fd = Mid(sqr3(vd), 2, 1)
              Cd = Mid(sqr3(vd), 3, 1)
             End If
             For C = 1 To numSqr4
              If had4(C) = False Then
               If Left(sqr4(C), 1) = Cd Then
                For dirC = 1 To 2
                 goodC = True
                 If dirC = 1 And Mid(sqr4(C), 2, 1) = Ca Then
                  Cb = Mid(sqr4(C), 3, 1)
                  Cc = Mid(sqr4(C), 4, 1)
                 ElseIf dirC = 2 And Mid(sqr4(C), 4, 1) = Ca Then
                  Cb = Mid(sqr4(C), 3, 1)
                  Cc = Mid(sqr4(C), 2, 1)
                  goodC = False
                 End If
                 If goodC Then
                  had4(C) = True
                  For vertb = 1 To numSqr3
                   vCt(vertb) = vCt(vertb) + 1
                   For dirVb = 1 To 2
                    If dirVb = 1 And Mid(sqr3(vertb), 2, 2) = (Cb & Ab) Or dirVb = 2 And Mid(sqr3(vertb), 2, 2) = Ab & Cb Then
                     Db = Left(sqr3(vertb), 1)
                     For D = 1 To numSqr4
                      If Left(sqr4(D), 1) = Db And had4(D) = False Then
                       For dirD = 1 To 2
                 If dirD = 1 Then
                  Df = Mid(sqr4(D), 2, 1)
                  Dg = Mid(sqr4(D), 3, 1)
                  Dc = Mid(sqr4(D), 4, 1)
                 ElseIf dirD = 2 Then
                  Df = Mid(sqr4(D), 4, 1)
                  Dg = Mid(sqr4(D), 3, 1)
                  Dc = Mid(sqr4(D), 2, 1)
                 End If
                 had4(D) = True
                 For vc = 1 To numSqr3
                  vCt(vc) = vCt(vc) + 1
                  For dirVc = 1 To 2
                   If dirVc = 1 And Mid(sqr3(vc), 2, 2) = (Cc & Dc) Or dirVc = 2 And Mid(sqr3(vc), 2, 2) = Dc & Cc Then
                    Fc = Left(sqr3(vc), 1)
                    For F = 1 To numSqr4
                     If Fc = Left(sqr4(F), 1) And had4(F) = False Then
                      had4(F) = True
                      For dirF = 1 To 2
                       goodF = True
                       If dirF = 1 And Fd = Mid(sqr4(F), 4, 1) Then
                        Fg = Mid(sqr4(F), 2, 1)
                        Fh = Mid(sqr4(F), 3, 1)
                       ElseIf dirF = 2 And Fd = Mid(sqr4(F), 2, 1) Then
                        Fg = Mid(sqr4(F), 4, 1)
                        Fh = Mid(sqr4(F), 3, 1)
                        goodF = False
                       End If
                       If goodF Then
                 For vh = 1 To numSqr3
                  vCt(vh) = vCt(vh) + 1
                  If Fh = Left(sqr3(vh), 1) Then
                    For dirVh = 1 To 2
                     goodVh = True
                     If dirVh = 1 And Mid(sqr3(vh), 3, 1) = Bh Then
                      Eh = Mid(sqr3(vh), 2, 1)
                     ElseIf dirVh = 2 And Mid(sqr3(vh), 2, 1) = Bh Then
                      Eh = Mid(sqr3(vh), 3, 1)
                      goodVh = False
                     End If
                     If goodVh Then
                 For vg = 1 To numSqr3
                  vCt(vg) = vCt(vg) + 1
                  If Fg = Left(sqr3(vg), 1) Then
                    For dirVg = 1 To 2
                     goodVg = True
                     If dirVg = 1 And Mid(sqr3(vg), 2, 1) = Dg Then
                      Eg = Mid(sqr3(vg), 3, 1)
                     ElseIf dirVg = 2 And Mid(sqr3(vg), 3, 1) = Dg Then
                      Eg = Mid(sqr3(vg), 2, 1)
                      goodVg = False
                     End If
                     If goodVg Then
                      For E = 1 To numSqr4
                       If Left(sqr4(E), 1) = Eg And had4(E) = False Then
                        For dirE = 1 To 2
                         goodE = True
                         If dirE = 1 And Eh = Mid(sqr4(E), 4, 1) Then
                          Ef = Mid(sqr4(E), 2, 1)
                          Ee = Mid(sqr4(E), 3, 1)
                         ElseIf dirE = 2 And Eh = Mid(sqr4(E), 2, 1) Then
                          Ee = Mid(sqr4(E), 3, 1)
                          Ef = Mid(sqr4(E), 4, 1)
                          goodE = False
                         End If ' new4 E
                         If goodE Then
            '             chw = TextWidth("W"): chh = TextHeight("W")
            '             CurrentX = 4 * chw: CurrentY = 13 * chh
            '             Print Ae; "   "; Af
            '             CurrentX = 4 * chw: CurrentY = 15 * chh
            '             Print Aa; "   "; Ab
            '             CurrentX = 1 * chw: CurrentY = 17 * chh
            '             Print Be; "   "; Ba; "   "; Ca; "   "; Cb; "   "; Db; "   "; Df; "   "; Ef; "   "; Ee
            '             CurrentX = 1 * chw: CurrentY = 19 * chh
            '             Print Bh; "   "; Bd; "   "; Cd; "   "; Cc; "   "; Dc; "   "; Dg; "   "; Eg; "   "; Eh
            '             CurrentX = 4 * chw: CurrentY = 21 * chh
            '             Print Fd; "   "; Fc
            '             CurrentX = 4 * chw: CurrentY = 23 * chh
            '             Print Fh; "   "; Fg
                          ctB = ctB + 1
                          tr1 = Ef & Df & Af
                          tr2 = Ef & Af & Df
                          tr3 = Ee & Ae & Be
                          tr4 = Ee & Be & Ae
                          If onList(tr1) Or onList(tr2) Then
                          If onList(tr3) Or onList(tr4) Then
                           Print #2, "  "; Ae; Af
                           Print #2, "  "; Aa; Ab
                           Print #2, Be; Ba; Ca; Cb; Db; Df; Ef; Ee
                           Print #2, Bh; Bd; Cd; Cc; Dc; Dg; Eg; Eh
                           Print #2, "  "; Fd; Fc
                           Print #2, "  "; Fh; Fg
                           Print #2, sqr4(A); " "; sqr4(B); " "; sqr4(C); " "; sqr4(D); " "; sqr4(E); " "; sqr4(F)
                           Print #2, sqr3(va); " "; sqr3(vertb); " "; sqr3(vc); " "; sqr3(vd); " "; sqr3(ve); " "; sqr3(vf); " "; sqr3(vg); " "; sqr3(vh)
                           For iCtr = 1 To numSqr3
                            thisCt = vCt(iCtr)
                            If tr1 = sqr3(iCtr) Or tr2 = sqr3(iCtr) Then thisCt = thisCt + 1
                            If tr3 = sqr3(iCtr) Or tr4 = sqr3(iCtr) Then thisCt = thisCt + 1
                            If thisCt > 0 Then
                              Print #2, sqr3(iCtr); thisCt; "   ";
                            End If
                           Print #2,: Print #2,

                           ctSol = ctSol + 1
                          End If ' tr1 or tr2
                          End If ' tr1 or tr2
                         End If ' goodE
                        Next dirE
                       End If ' Eg matches
                      Next E
                     End If ' goodVg
                    Next dirVg
                  End If ' Fg is first digit of vg
                  vCt(vg) = vCt(vg) - 1
                 Next vg
                     End If ' goodVh
                    Next dirVh
                  End If ' Fh is first digit of vh
                  vCt(vh) = vCt(vh) - 1
                 Next vh
                       End If ' goodF
                      Next dirF
                      had4(F) = False
                     End If ' Fc matches
                    Next F
                   End If ' good dirVc
                  Next dirVc
                  vCt(vc) = vCt(vc) - 1
                 Next vc
                 had4(D) = False
                       Next dirD
                      End If ' D begins with Db
                     Next D
                    End If ' good vertb
                   Next dirVb
                   vCt(vertb) = vCt(vertb) - 1
                  Next vertb
                  had4(C) = False
                 End If ' goodC
                Next dirC
               End If ' C fits Cd
              End If 'had4(C) false
             Next C
           End If ' sqr3(vd) begins with Bd
           vCt(vd) = vCt(vd) - 1
          Next vd
          had4(B) = False
         End If ' goodB
        Next dirB
       End If ' had4(B)=false
      Next B
     End If ' goodVa
    Next dirVa
    vCt(va) = vCt(va) - 1

   Next va
  Next dirA
  had4(A) = False
 Next A
 Print "end"; ctB
 Close 2
End Sub
Function onList(s)
 For i = 1 To numSqr3
  If s = sqr3(i) Then onList = True: Exit Function
 onList = False
End Function

I had to use variable vertb instead of vb, as Visual Basic kept insisting on capitalizing VB, even though it's not a reserved word in VB, only the abbreviation for the language.

The program found 63 solutions with just one repeated vertex square and 30 with no repeated vertex squares.

An example with no repeated vertex squares:

61 24 89 52
56 61 64 42
A=1521 B=6561 C=6241 D=8649 E=4225 F=3721
a=121 b=841 c=361 d=676 e=256 f=529 g=144 h=225

121 1    144 1    225 1    256 1    361 1    529 1    676 1    841 1

The last line has the vertex counts that enabled me to weed out duplicates beyond those allowed.

An example of one duplicated vertex square:

 24 44 31 16
 64 14 48 47
 A=1225 B=4624 C=1444 D=3481 E=4761 F=1764
 a=441 b=324 c=144 d=441 e=625 f=121 g=784 h=676
 121 1    144 1    324 1    441 2    625 1    676 1    784 1

  Posted by Charlie on 2008-05-02 17:10:57
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