The diagram below shows cities A, B, C, ..., K, and L.
+---A +---+ +---+---+---+
| | | | | |
+---+ + B C + D E
| | | |
| | | |
H + +---+ I + +---+
| | | | | |
+---+---+ J K---+ +---L
Knowing that each line segment measures 1 km and the distances (along the lines) between two cities, are:
Bodov - Direb: 9 km
Vega - Mares: 5 Km
Fugud - Rigel: 4 km
Tolima - Bodov: 8 km
Atlas - Supra: 11 km
Cona - Poris: 6 km
Kuma - Atlas: 4 km
Fugud - Cona: 12 km
Poris - Vega: 5 km
Identify the cities.
Looking at Charlie's solution now, I see that we handled the first eight the same way, but Charlie derived DJHFI then CBG, while I did the reverse. We handled KLE identically, and finished with A by default.
For those pondering the distances graph, I used the following for the rows/columns (symmetrical) -- one initial counting error held me back awhile:
A . 9 12 10 13 5 8 7 8 10 11 14
B .. 11 9 12 6 7 9 7 11 10 13
C ...6 5 9 4 9 6 14 7 13
D ....7 7 2 10 4 12 5 6
E ..... 10 5 13 7 15 8 11
F ......5 5 5 7 8 11
G....... 8 2 10 3 6
H ........ 8 6 11 14
I ........ 9 5 8
J .......... 13 16
K ............ 9
L across same as L down.
This is rather unreadable, but could be rewritten into a 12x12 table, where row 1 = col 1 etc to complete the grid.
Not a bad problem, though the drudgery of building the table took longer than the inferences. Perhaps someone will offer a more elegant method of solution.