In the problem
"Mirror, mirror on the wall" it was proved that no number in the decimal system doubles on reversing its digits, and answered for bases 3, 5 and 8 (base 2 has leading zero, so itīs not valid).
Generalise the answer for positive integer bases.
The following is not a general solution, but covers bases up to 124 for numbers 1 to 3600.
The program below tests numbers that in decimal are 1 to 3600, in bases up to 124, but stops if the point is reached where the number is represented by a single digit.
digits$ = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ---------------------------------------------------------------"
bMax = LEN(digits$) - 1: PRINT bMax
FOR n = 1 TO 3600
b = 2
n$ = "": n2$ = "": n2 = 0
t = n
d = t MOD b
t = t \ b
dig$ = MID$(digits$, d + 1, 1)
n$ = dig$ + n$
n2$ = n2$ + dig$
n2 = n2 * b + d
IF n2 = 2 * n THEN
PRINT "base";
PRINT USING "###"; b;
PRINT "; decimal ";
PRINT USING "######"; n2; n;
PRINT "; "; n2$; " "; n$
b = b + 1
LOOP UNTIL LEN(n$) = 1 OR b > bMax
The results are sorted below on base and the number. The decimal representations of the number and reverse are shown as well as the representations in the given base. For bases higher than ten, lower-case letters a through z represent 10 through 35, and capital A through Z represent 36 through 61. When a digit higher than 61 is needed, its place is taken by a hyphen. The program kept track of the actual value of that hyphen, so that spurious matches are not shown just because a hyphen was used for different digits.
base 3; decimal 64 32; 2101 1012
base 3; decimal 208 104; 21201 10212
base 3; decimal 640 320; 212201 102212
base 3; decimal 1936 968; 2122201 1022212
base 3; decimal 5248 2624; 21012101 10121012
base 3; decimal 5824 2912; 21222201 10222212
base 5; decimal 16 8; 31 13
base 5; decimal 96 48; 341 143
base 5; decimal 416 208; 3131 1313
base 5; decimal 496 248; 3441 1443
base 5; decimal 2016 1008; 31031 13013
base 5; decimal 2496 1248; 34441 14443
base 6; decimal 980 490; 4312 2134
base 6; decimal 6020 3010; 43512 21534
base 8; decimal 42 21; 52 25
base 8; decimal 378 189; 572 275
base 8; decimal 2730 1365; 5252 2525
base 8; decimal 3066 1533; 5772 2775
base 9; decimal 4800 2400; 6523 3256
base 11; decimal 80 40; 73 37
base 11; decimal 960 480; 7a3 3a7
base 14; decimal 130 65; 94 49
base 14; decimal 1950 975; 9d4 4d9
base 17; decimal 192 96; b5 5b
base 17; decimal 3456 1728; bg5 5gb
base 20; decimal 266 133; d6 6d
base 20; decimal 5586 2793; dj6 6jd
base 23; decimal 352 176; f7 7f
base 26; decimal 450 225; h8 8h
base 29; decimal 560 280; j9 9j
base 32; decimal 682 341; la al
base 35; decimal 816 408; nb bn
base 38; decimal 962 481; pc cp
base 41; decimal 1120 560; rd dr
base 44; decimal 1290 645; te et
base 47; decimal 1472 736; vf fv
base 50; decimal 1666 833; xg gx
base 53; decimal 1872 936; zh hz
base 56; decimal 2090 1045; Bi iB
base 59; decimal 2320 1160; Dj jD
base 62; decimal 2562 1281; Fk kF
base 65; decimal 2816 1408; Hl lH
base 68; decimal 3082 1541; Jm mJ
base 71; decimal 3360 1680; Ln nL
base 74; decimal 3650 1825; No oN
base 77; decimal 3952 1976; Pp pP
base 80; decimal 4266 2133; Rq qR
base 83; decimal 4592 2296; Tr rT
base 86; decimal 4930 2465; Vs sV
base 89; decimal 5280 2640; Xt tX
base 92; decimal 5642 2821; Zu uZ
base 95; decimal 6016 3008; -v v-
base 98; decimal 6402 3201; -w w-
base101; decimal 6800 3400; -x x-
Posted by Charlie
on 2008-09-02 17:43:46 |