Consider all possible 1000 digit positive base 10 integers all of whose digits are odd. For how many of these integers, do each pair of adjacent digits differ precisely by 2 ?
Note: Try to solve this problem analytically, although computer program/ spreadsheet solutions are welcome.
If the puzzle were for 1-digit numbers, the answer would be 5, as there'd be one such number for each of the 5 allowable digits.
If we want to keep track of what the answers would be for increasing numbers of digits in the integers in question, we can do that by keeping separate counts for integers ending in each of the five particular digits that such integers can end in. An n-digit integer can end in a 1 as often as an (n-1)-digit number can end in a 3. An n-digit number can end in a 3 as often as an (n-1)-digit number can end in either a 1 or a 5, and so forth.
A table of the first 9 generations is as follows:
For n-digit numbers
number that end in:
n 1 3 5 7 9 total
- - - - - - -----
1 1 1 1 1 1 5
2 1 2 2 2 1 8
3 2 3 4 3 2 14
4 3 6 6 6 3 24
5 6 9 12 9 6 42
6 9 18 18 18 9 72
7 18 27 36 27 18 126
8 27 54 54 54 27 216
9 54 81 108 81 54 378
So for example if the puzzle had referred to 9-digit numbers rather than 1000-digit numbers, the answer would have been 378.
Allowing the program that generated the above table to continue to n=1000, gives:
Ending in 1:
Ending in 3:
Ending in 5:
Ending in 7:
Ending in 9:
That total is approximately 9.6960778122319839832 x 10^238.
10 dim D(10),NewD(10)
20 for I=1 to 9 step 2:D(I)=1:next
30 for G=2 to 1000
35 erase NewD():dim NewD(10)
40 for I=1 to 9 step 2
50 for J=I-2 to I+2 step 4
60 if J>0 and J<10 then NewD(I)=NewD(I)+D(J)
70 next J
80 next I
90 for I=1 to 9 step 2
100 D(I)=NewD(I)
110 next
115 if G<10 then gosub 500
120 next G
200 for I=1 to 9 step 2
210 print D(I)
220 T=T+D(I)
230 next
250 print:print T
260 Tot=log(T)/log(10):T1=int(Tot):T2=10^(Tot-int(Tot))
270 print T2;"x 10^";T1
300 end
500 Sum=0:print using(3,0),G;:print " ";
510 for I=1 to 9 step 2
520 print using(5,0),D(I);
530 Sum=Sum+D(I)
540 next
550 print using(7,0),Sum
590 return
Edited on September 22, 2008, 3:01 pm
Posted by Charlie
on 2008-09-22 15:00:34 |