Determine all possible 7-digit decimal (base 10) perfect square(s), each of whose digits is nonzero and even.
Note: While a solution is trivial with the aid of a computer program, show how to derive it without one.
(In reply to
re: solution TRUE BUT WHY by Ady TZIDON)
As the 4-digit number squared, ABCD2, is
106*(A2) + 105*(2AB) + 104*(2AC + B2) + 103*(2AD + 2BC) + 102*(2BD + C2) + 101*(2CD) + 100*(D2), the last digit is the right-most digit of D2.
D D2
0 00
1 01
2 04 <--
3 09
4 16
5 25
6 36
7 49
8 64 <--
9 81
As we exclude numbers with a zero or an odd digit, D can not be 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9. Both the squares of 4 and 6 will have an odd carry to the 101-digit. As the 101-digit is the right-most digit of 2*C*D plus any carry from the result of D2, adding any odd-digit to the even product of 2*C*D [any integer multiplied by 2 is even] will result in an odd number. Thus, D can be neither 4 nor 6, leaving only 2 and 8 as possible values for D. In both cases, 22 (4) and 82 (64), the right-most digit results in a 4. The carry for either to be added to 2*C*D, to find the 101-digit, is, respectively, 0 and 6 -- both even numbers.
Edited on October 28, 2008, 1:30 am
Posted by Dej Mar
on 2008-10-27 06:33:41 |