As with
the graphic represents an unfolded cylinder but with two rotatable rings around its girth.
Each band contains nine blocks.
There are three vertical slots which intersect these bands; the slots will always carry 3 blocks although their length is for four.
At any one time, if a block in one vertical is moved up or down, the blocks in the other slots move simultaneously in the same direction.
Horizontal bands may be rotated left or right as many places as you wish (but one place per click).
Your objective is to create a 9 letter word, all letters different, in the top band which has some relevance to the problem's title (a medium perhaps). As a secondary bonus the lower band should confirm both your word and the title.
OPEN "\words\words9.txt" FOR BINARY AS #1
w$ = SPACE$(9)
GET #1, , w$
a$ = "rmhutnppasmeyapyrc"
good = 1
FOR i = 1 TO LEN(w$)
ix = INSTR(a$, MID$(w$, i, 1))
IF ix > 0 THEN
a$ = LEFT$(a$, ix - 1) + MID$(a$, ix + 1)
good = 0: EXIT FOR
IF good THEN PRINT w$, a$
lists the possible 9-letter words and the letters that remain after that word's letters are removed from the 18 that are present:
anthraces muppmypyr
arcatures mhnppmypy
armaments huppypyrc
armatures hnppmypyc
asymmetry hunppaprc
capturers mhnpmyapy
carpentry mhupsmapy
catnapers mhupmypyr
catnapper mhusmypyr
champerty unpsmapyr
chaunters mppmyapyr
macrurans htppmeypy
marchpane utpsmypyr
mercaptan hupsmypyr
merchants uppmyapyr
parachute mnpsmypyr
paraments hupmypyrc
paranymph utsmepyrc
parcenary mhutpsmpy
parchment upsmyapyr
paymaster hunpmpyrc
peasantry mhupmpyrc
pentarchs mupmyapyr
pentarchy mupsmapyr
prehumans tpmyapyrc
purchaser mtnpmyapy
pyrethrum npasmapyc
sacrament huppmypyr
sanctuary mhppmepyr
sarmentum hppyapyrc
scrapheap mutnmypyr
stauncher mppmyapyr
supremacy htnpmapyr
tarpapers mhunmypyc
thrummers nppayapyc
tracheary munppsmpy
tympanums rhpeapyrc
upperpart mhnsmyayc
yachtsman ruppmepyr
yachtsmen ruppmapyr
Of these it would seem that PARCHMENT meets the conditions well, and it leaves letters from which PAPYRUS can be formed.
Posted by Charlie
on 2009-01-14 16:52:54 |