77467 74674 44769 !4649 44436 !9669 96868 69648 96486 84832 43325 32255 2555?
1. If you are not an avid fan, this may not give you a tingle.
2. Other necessary punctuation has not been encoded.
3. The inability to emulate a technology will require some informed guesswork; but all cryptographers must engage in that anyway.
(In reply to
re: ABBA? ET too? by brianjn)
Yes, I was probably getting too fancy for my own good thinking T9 played into this. It was my daughter (and who knows texting better that teenage daughters!) that suggested the initial 77467 indeed spells ‘prior’ in T9, so my thinking trying to find the setup for the initial ‘Ring!’ got limited to only 7467 as opposed to the longer series of key strokes involved in the solution. (And yes, as your daughters found, 76278 yields both ‘roast’ and ‘smart’ in T9. I think it's the sender who selects which of the options popping up that they want to use in their message.)
Great puzzle Brian!